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Secretary of State

Column: How Did All of This Happen? (sponsored)

As I write this article, the Electoral College is deciding the route of the American Presidency and of Donald Trump as President-Elect. The Russian ambassador has been shot and killed in Turkey by a fanatic. Another European terrorist attack has taken place in Berlin, Germany, killing at least 12 people and wounding dozens of others during the Christmas shopping season. Back in Aleppo, Syria, the Assad government is finishing off the horrific killings of its own people as well as rescue helpers and hundreds of Christians — many of whom are women and children.

American Indian Achievement Awards celebrated Saturday

The Nevada Indian Commission will honor four Nevadans for their contributions to the American Indian community at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, at the Governor’s Mansion in Carson City, at the American Indian Achievement Awards Banquet and Silent Auction, now in its seventh year.

Measuring Nuclear Insanity

The Alarm Clock of History

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists indicates the doomsday clock is only three minutes left before nuclear war. There has never been a more dangerous time of nuclear confrontation than today. The administration has pursued the Obama/Hillary/Kerry policy of War Through Weakness rather than the Reagan Peace Through Strength policy that won the cold war. The question for a Hillary voter is; Will Mrs. Clinton sell the rest of our uranium just to earn another big payday for Bill from our enemies?

Nevada Secretary of State teaches Carson High seniors a lesson

More than 500 Carson High School seniors packed the bleachers on the big gym’s south end Thursday afternoon to welcome the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office to campus for the coolest civics lesson ever.

Nevada voter registration numbers drop by nearly 12,000 in August

CARSON CITY — 11,876. That's how many people the Secretary of State's office removed from Nevada's voter registry in August.
"Federal law requires each state to do ongoing and routine list maintenance." Wayne Thorley is the Deputy Secretary of State for Elections. He said routine list maintenance is responsible for the removal of nearly 12,000 voters from the Nevada registry.

Nevada issues November ballot questions booklet

The Secretary of State’s office has issued its 2016 Statewide Ballot Questions information booklet.Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske said the book provides the exact wording of each equation as well as a summary ...

Trump vs Clinton: Too Much Alike or Polar Opposites? (Sponsored)

In many ways Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could be considered much alike. Those two would dispute that opinion vigorously. But the American voting public might be interested in the following:

1. Both have low scores with the American public concerning trust and honesty when it comes to many polls.

Solar net petering petition not on ballot unless Supreme Court says so

Secretary of State of Elections Deputy Wayne Thorley said Thursday the petition seeking to restore net metering rates for solar customers wouldn’t be on the November ballot until the Nevada Supreme Co ...

Solar net metering petition not on ballot unless Supreme Court says so

Secretary of State of Elections Deputy Wayne Thorley said Thursday the petition seeking to restore net metering rates for solar customers wouldn’t be on the November ballot until the Nevada Supreme Co ...

Musings for November 2016 (sponsored)

As a voter like you, I am listening to, viewing, and reading much on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One is well known in Washington politics and the other also well known but outside the Washington beltway in terms of political experience. Both Clinton and Trump are the presumptive Democratic and Republican candidates for president of the United States respectively. Both have fought very contentious campaigns, Both do not carry a high degree of trust with the American voting public, but for different reasons.

First election deadline Saturday

Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske says several key election deadlines are rapidly approaching, the first on Saturday.That’s the final day to register to vote in the primary or make changes by mail i ...

Hillary by a nose

A near split of Churchill County caucus goers gave former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a narrow two-point win ove ...

Trump indulges supporter at Sparks rally over debunked Iran conspiracy theory

During his appearance in Sparks on Thursday, Donald Trump said he had heard the same nonsensical conspiracy theory about Secretary of State John Kerry's daughter's connection to Iran -- the implication being that this affected his negotiations on the nuclear deal.

White Hart Law to focus on litigation, elections

Image of Kevin Benson, Esq.

Carson City attorney Kevin Benson is using his experience in litigation, appeals, and election law to open his new law office, White Hart Law.

White Hart Law will focus on assisting individual and business clients in civil litigation, appeals, and dealing with government and administrative agencies. White Hart Law will also assist candidates and campaigns with election law and campaign finance matters.

Column: Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots and Bonbons

Deep Thoughts, Cheap Shots and Bonbons. “It ain’t over till it’s over” — Yogi Berra

From the September 17th Board of Supervisors meeting
Agenda item
#21C Purchasing and Contracts
To approve Purchase Order # 2016-8807 for the purchase of roofing supplies from Garland/DBS, Inc., for a total amount of $93,091.07 with a 10% contingency amount of $9,309.11 for a total not to exceed amount of $102,400.18 to be funded from Capital Projects. Late Material included.

Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske says 2016 election critical

Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske told Carson Rotary members on Tuesday the 2016 elections are critical and her office’s challenge is to make sure they run smoothly and fairly.To that end, she said she and her staff...

Carson City Soroptimist launches backpack and school supply campaign

It's Backpack Attack time! Each year Carson City Soroptimist gathers hundreds of new backpacks, filling each with school and hygiene supplies. The filled backpacks are given to local elementary, middle, and high schools to distribute as needed.

Column: Details of The New Nevada Commerce Tax

Well, as Nevadans, we are collectively now stuck with a new tax. It's name? Commerce Tax. (A Clever disguise for the recently defeated Gross Margin Tax?) Up until a few days ago, it was believed that this wouldn't pass. I have yet to see any real media explanation of the details, so, after reading the text of the bill enough times (SB483), while my head is still spinning, I will attempt to give you a little more of the picture.

Petition to recall North Las Vegas judge approved by Nevada secretary of state

North Las Vegas voters will get a chance to decide if they want to oust embattled Municipal Court Judge Catherine Ramsey. The Nevada secretary of state on Tuesday approved a petition to recall the judge....

Secretary of State Kerry undergoes surgery after breaking leg

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s surgery to repair his broken leg went well, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday....

John Kerry returns to U.S. after breaking leg

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry left Europe for the United States aboard a special military aircraft on Monday after breaking his leg in a cycling accident....

Science of climate change is convoluted!

Mr. Bush, we have some folks you can to talk to about climate change

By Mark Reynolds

It makes me nervous when someone who might become president of the United States says the science on climate change is “convoluted” and that it is “arrogant” to assert that humans are the primary cause of global warming.

That’s what happened recently when Jeb Bush, the still-undeclared presidential candidate, said the following at a campaign-style event in New Hampshire:

First round of Hillary Clinton emails reveal information on Benghazi

The State Department released Friday its first round of emails from Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State, offering a new look at her handling of the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi....

Senate votes for voice in nuclear talks with Iran

The Senate voted last week to give Congress a voice over the nuclear agreement being negotiated with Iran. The bill would give lawmakers a month to review the pact being negotiated among Iranian leaders, Secretary of State John Kerry, and representatives of Russia, China, France, Germany and the...

Clinton backs path to citizenship in Vegas town hall

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, seeking the Democratic nomination for president of the United States, outlined and clear and aggressive stance on immigration during a town hall event at Rancho High School in Las Vegas Tuesday afternoon....

Prayer session at Nevada Legislative Building Thursday to recognize National Day of Prayer

Event Date: 
May 7, 2015 - 7:30am

The Legislative Building in Carson City will have a prayer session at 7:30a.m. for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7, 2015. The public is invited in addition to the traditional prayer meeting on the Capitol Steps at 11:00 am., which is hosted by the Carson City Christian Ministerial Fellowship.

The Governor's Bill: Small business cannot afford another expense

To the Editor: I am writing this as a business owner who has spoken to many businesses, residents, agricultural community, and yes, teachers who all support education, including myself, but, not at the expense of small businesses. At a glance looking at the Governor’s Sandoval’s bill this sounds like an appealing option, but go a little deeper and you will see that this could be a devastating decision for many of the people who are the backbone of our business community. This bill could possibly be the straw that broke the camel’s back. It reads as follows:

Primary vs. caucus: What will Nevada do?

When it first surfaced weeks ago, I called the bill to change Nevada from a caucus state to a primary state and make it the first one to cast ballots in the White House race the Screw Bill Gardner and Terry Branstad Bill, a reference to New Hampshire's omnipotent secretary of state and Iowa's govern...

Lawmakers asked about Clinton personal email account in 2012

U.S. lawmakers asked Hillary Clinton in 2012 if she used a personal email account for government business while secretary of state, but never received an answer, according to letters released on Wednesday....

Bipartisanship benched: Democrats, Republicans to meet in Biennial Hoops Battle

Can Republicans go left? Can Democrats go right to the hoop? Those are two questions to be answered when Nevada elected officials of both parties meet for the Biennial Donkey and Elephant Basketball Classic benefiting the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs of Seniors in Service.

The game pits elected Republican officeholders against their Democrat counterparts. Tip-off is Thursday, April 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Carson City High School, 1111 S. Saliman Road.

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