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Musings for November 2016 (sponsored)

As a voter like you, I am listening to, viewing, and reading much on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One is well known in Washington politics and the other also well known but outside the Washington beltway in terms of political experience. Both Clinton and Trump are the presumptive Democratic and Republican candidates for president of the United States respectively. Both have fought very contentious campaigns, Both do not carry a high degree of trust with the American voting public, but for different reasons.

Voters Didn’t Get Fooled Again – and They Won’t Next Time, Either

Nevada Republican voters spoke loudly last night. Again.

They spoke loudly in November 2014, voting down a proposed gross receipts tax (GRT) 4-to-1 and sweeping Republicans into control of Nevada’s executive and legislative branches for the first time in generations.

That was a mandate to hold the line on taxes, reform collective bargaining, stop the bleeding in the Public Employees Retirement System, improve schools through choice and other reforms, and especially to oppose the kind of tax 79 percent of voters rejected.

Others saw things differently.

Candidate Q & A: Carl Erquiaga

On running against another Republican, on what major points would you emphasize you differ from your opponent? Experience – When a person is elected to an office like County Commissioner th ...

Churchill Commission candidates tout experience

The only two candidates running for the county commission’s District 3 spoke Wednesday at the monthly luncheon of the Churchill County Central Republican Committee.This is the on ...

Q & A with Bill Slentz

On running against another Republican, on what major points would you emphasize you differ from your opponent? I am very concerned with our Federal Government’s efforts to close roads and a ...

US Senate Candidate D'Nese Davis In Carson City Tonight

Event Date: 
June 8, 2016 - 6:00pm

Republican United States Senate Candidate is hosting an Open House and Meet and Greet for Local Republican Candidates.

Come meet United States Senate Candidate and Veterans Advocate D'Nese Davis at the Empire Ranch Golf Course this Wednesday at 6:00PM-10:00PM for a meet and greet. Several Republican candidates from Carson City, Lyon County, Washoe County, Lyon County, Story County and Douglas County will be there and a few will be speaking.

Chris Forbush AD 40 Residency Demystified

Chris Forbush's defense claiming a student exemption allowing him to bypass the physical residency requirements to run for office in NRS 218A.200 is without merit. Simply put, you have to be a student to have a student exemption. But here are the facts that are not in dispute:

*Forbush graduated from college in Utah in April of 2015.
*Upon graduation Forbush ceased to be a student in an academic institution.
*Forbush then took the Utah bar exam (not Nevada bar exam) and successfully passed it and began practicing law in Utah.

What if Assemblyman Ira Hansen has been lying about Chris Forbush?

The biggest question right now is: “Why is Ira Hansen, a sitting Assemblyman from Sparks, going to such lengths to try to make people believe candidate Chris Forbush is ineligible to run for Assembly District 40 in Carson City?” Ira claims it is because he doesn’t want to see Forbush win the primary, but then as the Republican nominee, get thrown off the general election ballot leaving the seat wide open for the Democrat to win. What if that isn’t the reason at all?

Lyon County Republican Central Committee Meeting

Event Date: 
June 4, 2016 - 10:00am

PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION CHANGE FOR THE LYON COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETING to be held on Saturday, June 4, 2016 will be at the Dayton Senior Center, 320 Old Dayton Valley Road, Dayton. The meeting will begin promptly at 10:00a.m. The public is invited to attend and learn more about grassroots politics and meet with Republican officials.
For more information, call Dave at 775-772-2364 or check our website at

Assembly District 40 candidate Chris Forbush’s eligibility questioned

Despite winning the endorsement of the Carson City Republican Central Committee, some opponents of Assembly candidate Chris Forbush of Carson City say he’s ineligible to run for the Distric ...

PK, Let's NOT Do This Again

PK O’Neill vs. the facts (excepts from his newsletters)

Issue 1: Representation; Leadership vs. Serving the People

PK O’Neill’s candidacy for reelection raises serious questions about pragmatism, principles, integrity, the role of a representative, what it means to be a Republican, what it means to be conservative, what it means to represent your constituents and what it means to govern.

Know Your Enemy/Understand Your Enemy Part 3: Conclusion (sponsored)

No one should have to fight blindly against the enemy — knowledge IS power, and the truth of any situation even more powerful. No one has ever had all the facts for a set of circumstances or a certain situation, only God has the entire picture, so human expertise has its limitations. However, gathering as many facts as possible, organizing them in a logical progression, studying them carefully, looking for strengths and weaknesses, can ultimately bring together a rather comprehensive picture for all to see.

Assembly District 40 Republican candidate Al Kramer says flier about property taxes is a ‘lie’

Al Kramer, Republican candidate for Assembly District 40 in Carson City, says a flier accusing him of not paying his property taxes is a lie.The flier was paid for by the Nevada Jobs Coalition PAC in ...

Primary election: Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill outraises primary opponents

P.K. O‘Neill may be having some difficulty with Tea Party members of the Republican Party but he definitely has the backing of the most contributors in his bid for a second term in the Nevada Assembly ...

Carson City candidates talk turkey at Tuesday night forum

Candidates for Carson City Mayor and State Assembly District 40 addressed a nearly full house of voters at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall Wednesday night during a candidate forum sponsored by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce.

The candidates participated in a structured debate moderated by Nevada Appeal Editor Adam Trumble.

As a group, they were asked questions on specific topics and each given two minutes to provide a response.

Primary election guide: Assembly District 40 Republican candidates

The four candidates running for the Republican nominee for Assembly District 40 are featured in the Nevada Appeal’s Primary Election Guide. The top vote-getter will adva ...

It May Not Be Our Choice

Event Date: 
May 15, 2016 (All day)

Recently, and over breakfast with two of my friends and colleagues, I was presented with an interesting question.

“What would happen if neither Hillary Clinton, nor, Donald Trump in the general election, did not receive the required Electoral College votes to become President of the United States. What would happen?”

This piqued my curiosity, as the American people are somewhat unsettled as to who they should vote for to be the next President of the United States.

Sandoval will endorse Republican lawmakers who voted with him

Gov. Brian Sandoval said Tuesday he will both endorse and contribute to Republican lawmakers who voted for his ambitious budget and the tax package to pay for it.“I’m going to support those who suppor ...

Republican Candidate Forum at the Carson City Republican Women’s Luncheon

Event Date: 
May 17, 2016 - 11:00am

Want to learn more about the candidates running for Carson City Mayor or for Assembly District 40? The Carson City Republican Women’s (CCRW) monthly luncheon on Tuesday, May 17th at Gold Dust West will provide time for attendees to visit with the candidates starting at 11:00am. 11:30am Lunch: $20/person (cash only, no checks) The public is invited to attend. RSVP required, contact President Kim Fiegehen 775-443-0430, kim@searchitinc.com; or, Judy Wakefield 775-882-6842, themadknitter007@gmail.com.

Opinions Challenged

Elected officials, lobbyists, political candidates, activists, and media pundits - the political class - far too often project little more than self-interest-based opinion. The balance of so many lay people's opinions are too often just that - opinion - uninformed, but strongly held. Now is the time for Isaac Asimov's observation: Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them every once in a while, or the light won't come in."

Carson City Republican Party Terminates Membership of Assemblyman PK O'Neill

Tuesday the Executive Board voted to remove Assemblyman PK O'Neill from the Carson City Republican Party. There has been much press and he has a very good writer who accentuates his few highly selective non-controversial votes while in the legislature and ignores the bulk of his decisions. Obviously our action is not due to his non-challenging votes but rather his many dubious ones. He does not acknowledge his campaign promises. He does not discuss attending a CCRP meeting at which he asked for our direction on this tax issue.

Response to Assemblyman PK O'Neill

The following is a response to Assemblyman PK O'Neill from the Carson City Republican Party Executive Board.

Lyon County Republican Central Committee meeting

Event Date: 
May 7, 2016 - 10:00am

The Lyon County Republican Central Committee (LCRCC) will hold its next meeting on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the Fernley High School Library, 1300 Highway 95A, Fernley. The meeting will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. The public is invited to attend and learn more about grassroots politics and meet with Republican officials.

Nevada District 40 Assemblyman PK O'Neill responds to Carson City Republican Party

(Editor's Note: The following was submitted by Nevada District 40 Assemblyman P.K O'Neill. The Carson City Republican Party sent O'Neill a letter requesting a command performance to defend his actions during the 78th Legislative session or face removal from the Carson City Republican Party. His response is below.

O'Neill faces ouster from Carson City GOP over commerce tax vote

Assemblyman P.K. O'Neill, R-Carson City, is facing an attack from the Carson City Republican Central Committee's executive board trying to remove him from their ranks over his yes vote on the commerce tax, leading O'Neill to draft a response labeling them "ideologues" only concerned with a single issue.

An Assault Against The First Amendment

As reported in the Nevada Appeal and on Carson Now:
“Carson City Supervisor, Brad Bonkowski’s …campaign signs were vandalized, defaced and destroyed sometime during the night. The signs were all spray-painted with black paint.

Tuesday, April 19: Things to do in Carson City

Event Date: 
April 19, 2016 (All day)

Today may be the perfect day for a hike to the Kings Canyon Waterfall: join the Parks and Rec. Easy Walk at 9 a.m. to join in. If you’re looking for something indoors, the Spring has Sprung Art Show at the Nevada Artists Association Gallery at the Brewery Arts Center is overflowing with color. The Clearcreek Bowman have started up their Archery Shoots for the season: free for kids 17 and under, and only $5 for those older. Dance the night away with Country Line Dance Lessons at the Eleventh Frame Lounge in Carson Lanes.


Chris Forbush the Only Candidate Endorsed by Republican Party in Assembly District 40 Race

Carson City – Chris Forbush, candidate for State Assembly District 40 against PK O’Neill, was the only candidate in the race to receive endorsement from the Carson City Republican Party. The official endorsement was announced following the GOP County Convention held in Carson City on April 9th.

Carson City Republican Women's Luncheon to feature talk about involving Millennials

Event Date: 
April 19, 2016 - 11:00am

Miranda Hoover, UNR College Republicans President will be the speaker at the Carson City Republican Women’s luncheon on April 19th to discuss how to involve our Republican millennials. Scholarship finalists will give their presentations, and members will vote for the candidate of their choice via a secret ballot. Please join us at the Casino Fandango, 3800 S Carson St. at 11:00 social, 11:30 Lunch. RSVP by Friday, April 15th to Judy Wakefield at 775-882-6842 or Themadknitter007@gmail.com Lunch is $20 (Cash only, no checks).

Local Republicans make their case

Republican candidates for mayor, supervisor and state assembly made their case to voters Saturday at an event hosted by the Carson City Republican Party.

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