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Column: The Continuing War against Women by Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum — “Prenatal testing, particularly amniocentesis, I’m not talking about general prenatal care...We’re talking about specifically prenatal testing, and specifically amniocentesis, which is a procedure that actually creates a risk of having a miscarriage when you have it, and is done for the purposes of identifying maladies in the womb. And which in many cases, in fact most cases, physicians recommend, particularly if there’s a problem, recommend abortion.

Nevada Mining Industry Expects To Add At Least 1,200 Jobs This Year

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s mining industry is stepping up to Gov. Brian Sandoval’s challenge asking businesses and all economic partners to help create 50,000 jobs over the next three years.

Gov. Sandoval Unveils State Economic Development Plan, Calls For 50,000 New Jobs By The End Of 2014

RENO – Gov. Brian Sandoval used the University of Nevada, Reno today as a backdrop to unveil his economic development plan, and he challenged the business community and all partners to work to create 50,000 new jobs by the end of 2014.

Broader Measure Of Unemployment Shows Some Improvement In Nevada Through December

CARSON CITY – A broader measure of Nevada’s unemployment picture, including those who have given up looking for work, showed some improvement through the end of 2011, a federal report released this week shows.

The rate in Nevada dropped to 22.7 percent in the 12 months through Dec. 31, down from 23.3 percent in the 12 months through Sept. 30, 2011.

National Republican Party Officials Say Obama Vulnerable In Nevada Because Of Tough Economy

CARSON CITY – A national Republican official said today Nevada’s economic landscape has changed dramatically since the state went for President Obama in 2008, and increasing GOP voter registrations in the battleground state are evidence of dissatisfaction with his administration.

Republican Presidential Candidates Make Their Pitch In Reno As Saturday Caucus Nears

RENO – From a cheering crowd of several hundred at a brief but energetic Mitt Romney rally to a more subdued event for Rick Santorum hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition to another well-attended rally for Ron Paul, it was a trifecta of presidential candidates in Reno ahead of the Saturday GOP caucus.

Romney got the balling rolling at the Grove, with an estimated 800 supporters packed inside and standing outside the event center in South Reno. Romney spoke briefly to those standing outside before giving a short but enthusiastic speech to those crowded inside.

Newt Gingrich Tells Nevadans He Is Best Choice For GOP To Reverse Failed Obama Policies

RENO – Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich told a cheering crowd here today that he is the only GOP candidate with the knowledge and experience to get the U.S. back on track after what will be four years of failed policies by President Barack Obama.

Gingrich, a former speaker of the House, is in Nevada ahead of Saturday’s First in the West Republican caucus.

Is Carson City's economy going up or down?

A recent report commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Mayors awards Carson City the dubious distinction of being the only metropolitan area studied that is predicted to not recover any jobs this year.

Add to that this morning's unemployment report showing the rate for Carson City climbed to 12.2 percent in December, and one can't help worrying about the economic outlook for our area.

Nevada’s Jobless Rate Drops To 12.6 Percent In December, But Smaller Workforce Partly Responsible

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate fell by four-tenths of a percentage point to 12.6 percent in December, the second consecutive monthly decline that saw the number of jobless drop to 166,300, a state agency reported today.

A year ago, the rate, which is adjusted for seasonal fluctuations in the labor market, hit a record high of 14.9 percent.

Proactively Pursuing the Health of Our Community in 2012

The New Year has always been the perfect time to reflect and look ahead with a fresh perspective. As the primary wellness provider for the South Lake Tahoe area, I would like to address questions you may have about the future of healthcare and what Barton Health has planned for 2012 and beyond.

Jobless Claimants Who Had Problems Filing For Benefits Urged To Re-file

CARSON CITY – A computer glitch that caused some jobless benefit recipients to have their claims mistakenly rejected this week has been fixed, and claimants who had problems are encouraged to re-file using the state’s website.

Nevada's congressional delegation cites unemployment report to blame each other

Democrats Harry Reid and Shelley Berkley reacted to the positive national unemployment report Friday by criticizing Republican opposition to extending the payroll tax holiday.

Rep. Berkley said the addition of 120,000 jobs in November, which drove the rate to 8.6 percent and its lowest level since mid-2008, "provides yet another reminder that we still have a long way to go when it comes to getting our economy back on track."

See Original Story

Carson City unemployment drops to 12 percent

Unemployment figures released this morning show the state's overall unemployment rate held steady at 13.4 percent, still the highest in the nation and well above the 9 percent national average.

Carson City's jobless rate dropped to 12 percent in October, down from 12.4 percent the previous month. In October 2010, the unemployment was 13.1 percent.

Unemployment in the Las Vegas metro area dropped to 13.1 percent, down from 13.4 percent in September. The Reno metro area also saw a drop, from 12.6 to 12.1 percent.

Full press release below.

Most of the unemployed no longer receive benefits

WASHINGTON - The jobs crisis has left so many people out of work for so long that most of America's unemployed are no longer receiving unemployment benefits. Early last year, 75 percent were receiv...

Consumers may get relief under new Nevada insurance law

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Consumers who have suffered an “extraordinary life event” may now ask their insurance company to provide an exception to the use of their credit information for underwriting and rating purposes, which may otherwise result in an increase in their premium rate.

“This is an important chance for some Nevadans who have suffered an unfortunate event to find relief during these trying economic times,” said Commissioner Scott J. Kipper of the Nevada Division of Insurance.

Why some schools have problems reaching success

Some things seem so obvious after they've been pointed out to you. I was pointed to a Web file from a Boston writer, Glenn MacDonald, a quantitative analyst using quantitative statistical methods, that has a fascinating study of Boston area public schools. After much study of Boston Magazine's ranking of 135 schools, he came up with a load of mistakes that no publication should ever make.

Reno Businessman Speaks Out As New Effort Launched To Fight Excessive Regulations

RENO – Businessman Raymond Pezonella said today he knew the burden of complying with government regulations had hit a new level of absurdity after an all-day audit resulted in an $8.99 gas tax charge to his company because of a trip to California that his workers had failed to record.
“This took two of my people all day long,” he said. “That guy tied up my conference room all day to do this document.”

Obama to Talk Home Refinancing in Las Vegas Following Romney’s Controversial Foreclosure Remarks

LAS VEGAS – President Obama will today announce he is expanding a federal aid program to allow more homeowners to refinance their mortgages at today’s low interest rates, said White House officials this morning.

State reports seasonal job gains

While the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was steady from August to September, the unadjusted rate fell a half percent to 13.3 percent statewide.That improvement was driven by decreases in th...

Jobless Rate Holds Steady, But Improving In Some Sectors

CARSON CITY – The September jobs report released today contained some hints of economic life in recession-battered Nevada, even though the unemployment rate held steady at a double-digit 13.4 percent rate from August.
While still tops in the nation in unemployment, Nevada saw a decline in the jobless rate in the Las Vegas area, to 13.6 percent from 14.3 percent in August. The Reno-Sparks and Carson City areas also saw declines.

Challenges With Unemployment Insurance Funds Could Lead To Reforms, Tax Foundation Report Says

CARSON CITY – A report from the Tax Foundation on unemployment insurance taxes says 34 states have had to borrow $37 billion from the federal government to pay jobless benefits, and employers around the country face the prospect of higher tax rates as a result.

Nevada State Controller Posts Fraud Hotline Link On Website

CARSON CITY – Nevada State Controller Kim Wallin announced today that a Fraud Hotline has been posted on her agency’s website in order to assist both the public and state employees in reporting questionable practices.

U.S. Senate Candidates Berkley, Heller, Trade Barbs On Chinese Currency Issue

CARSON CITY – Last week it was a dispute about the Small Business Jobs Act and whether it will create any jobs in Nevada that generated controversy between the two major party candidates for the U.S. Senate.

State panel against raising jobless tax

Nevada's Employment Security Council on Tuesday recommended not raising the unemployment insurance tax paid by businesses, despite the fact that the state's debt to the federal government is more t...

State Panel Recommends No Change In Unemployment Insurance Tax Rate

CARSON CITY – Despite the need to borrow $773 million from the federal government to pay jobless benefits so far in the current economic downturn, an advisory panel today recommended that the average tax rate levied on Nevada employers to pay claims remain unchanged at 2 percent for 2012.
The unanimous vote of the nine-member Nevada Employment Security Council came despite the recommendation from one employer representative for an increase in the rate to 2.5 percent or even 2.75 percent so Nevada could pay off its federal loans more quickly.

Nevada Fares Well In 50-State Budget Comparison But Still Faces Fiscal Challenges

CARSON CITY – Nevada ranks well overall in an analysis by the nonpartisan State Budget Solutions of spending trends over the past decade, coming in 12th in the review of how states have managed their money in times of growth and recession.

Nevadans Grow More Pessimistic About Economy, Question If Elected Officials Understand Their Problems

CARSON CITY – Nevadans are more pessimistic now about the state of the economy than they have been since early 2010, according to the most recent poll commissioned by the Retail Association of Nevada.

Jobless rate up for 3rd straight month

Nevada's unemployment rate rose again in August - the third straight month of increases after five months of improvement.From 12.9 percent in July, the rate rose to 13.4 percent statewide.There was...

Sandoval Asks President to Help Ease Permitting Process for Mines

Governor Brian Sandoval this morning sent a letter to President Obama asking for assistance in making changes at the federal level that could clear the way for new jobs in Nevada.
“This is my first request of President Obama since becoming Governor,” Sandoval noted in a press release. “I need his help to get Nevadans working again, and we have identified a very specific step he can take to spur job creation in our mining industry.”

Unemployment Rate Up Statewide

The statewide unemployment rate has increased to 13.4 percent, up from 12.9 percent in July. In all, 176,200 people were out of work in August.

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