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Fresh Ideas by Abby Johnson: Tunnel vision's affect on nuclear waste

"Tunnel vision - a narrow outlook; specifically the focus of attention on a particular problem without proper regard for possible consequences or alternative approaches" - Webster's New World Dicti...

Silver City, Nevada creates website to fight Comstock Mining, Inc. pit mining threat

A website that dedicates itself to Silver City and proposed gold mining around the historic Lyon County community has been launched.

SilverCityNvBlogspot.com was developed by a group of town residents with the idea of providing a citizen point of view as Comstock Mining, Inc., fueled by record gold prices, looks to change the land-use designation of a parcel it now occupies and has been doing exploratory drilling.

Gov. Sandoval Signs Bill Addressing Proper Burial Of Unclaimed Veterans’ Remains

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval today signed a bill requiring funeral directors to report to the Office of Veterans’ Services if they obtain possession of unclaimed human remains they know or reasonably believe to be that of a veteran.
Sandoval signed Assembly Bill 124 in a ceremony before a full house of veterans at the Kit Carson VFW Post 3726 in the capital.
Gov. Brian Sandoval talks with veteran Robert Primeaux following a bill signing ceremony today. Photo by Cathleen Allison/NevadaPhotoSource.com

Gov. Sandoval Will Veto School Bond Bill, Expresses Confidence That Medicaid Rate Reductions Are Legal

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said emphatically today he will veto a bill passed by Democrats in the Legislature that would allow school districts to use up to $300 million in bond reserve funds to rehabilitate older schools.
He also expressed confidence that $60 million in general fund Medicaid rate reductions included in his budget are legally defensible and can be implemented despite a legal opinion to the contrary.

Another shot fired in public-private golf battle

Last month, the Carson City Board of Supervisors heard complaints from the owners of two private golf courses about the city subsidizing the operator of the city-owned Eagle Valley Golf courses by forgiving its $200,000 lease payment.

One issue brought up at the time was that the city needs the Eagle Valley courses to help dispose of effluent water from its sewage treatment plant. If Eagle Valley was not operating, then the city would be forced to spend more money to build more storage for the water.

Fishing Report for the week of March 23

Here is the fishing report for Northern Nevada, Northern California, Southern Oregon and the Sierra for the week of March 23 through March 30:

Donations sought for Tahoe chapter of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation banquet

The 13th Annual Big Game Banquet of the Tahoe Basin Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation will be held in Carson City at the Casino Fandango April 30.

Those active in the foundation are asked to help with donations and underwriting of the event. Donation entries for the Program placement with proper credited entry prior to the program printing are needed by March 20th. Any help you can give the foundation will be greatly appreciated!

State Senate Majority Leader Requests Emergency Bill To Audit Tax Department

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford has requested emergency legislation to conduct a performance audit of the revenue collection functions of the Department of Taxation following questions last week about the thoroughness of the agency’s review of mining tax payments.

State Senate Majority Leader Requests Emergency Bill To Audit Tax Department

(Updated at 2:12 p.m. on March 14, 2011 to include new comments from Sandoval Administration)
CARSON CITY – Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford has requested emergency legislation to conduct a performance audit of the revenue collection functions of the Department of Taxation following questions last week about the thoroughness of the agency’s review of mining tax payments.

Opinion: Small Community of Silver City Faces Pit Mining Threat

By Erich Obermayr
Silver City, Nevada —population around 200 — is a small, unincorporated community in rural northwestern Nevada. It is located along State Route 342, in Gold Canyon, 3.5 miles from Virginia City. It lies within the Virginia City National Historic Landmark and the Comstock Historic District. The nearest large cities are Reno, 20 miles to the north, and Carson City, 9 miles to the southwest.

Virginia City school wins 'Hey Nevada, Wash Your Hands!' logo contest

The Nevada State Health Division in Carson City announced Hugh Gallagher Elementary School in Virginia City as the winner of a logo contest for its statewide hand washing campaign, “Hey Nevada, Wash Your Hands!”

The winning logo will serve as part of the campaign’s identity, and will be incorporated into various campaign media. The second place entry was a tie between Yerington Elementary School and L.S. Bruner Elementary in North Las Vegas.

Fitness on the Wire: Weight Bearing and Impact

There are two exercise terms; weight bearing and impact that can be confusing to the new exercise student.

Carson City weekend crime roundup

A married couple from Lucerne, Calif. was arrested Saturday morning in 3800 block of South Carson Street for misdemeanor drug offenses, in an incident that began with the alleged theft of a jacket from a casino.

Sandoval Administration Moves Forward With Priority-Based Budgeting Process

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – While there has been a lot of criticism directed at the details of Gov. Brian Sandoval’s proposed spending plan, there is acclaim for his development of a new budgeting process designed to ensure state agencies get results with taxpayer dollars.

Nevada Think Tank Says Fundamental Budget Reform Needed

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s budget process is broken and needs fundamental change to bring about reasonable spending and improved performance in public education and the delivery of other government services, a free market think tank says in a new report.

National Safety Awareness Week events continue at Heavenly Mountain Resort

Heavenly Mountain Resort at Lake Tahoe is on top of safety on the slopes under the management headed by Pete Sonntag. An the new lodge up at the top of the Gondola is doing fine. We'll have complete report on the new million-dollar refuge this week. Here's the latest from Heavenly:

Heavenly Mountain Resort and the National Ski Areas Association are reminding skiers and snowboarders that they play a critical role in slope safety during National Safety Awareness Week, January 15 – 23, 2011.

$177 Million Medicaid Contract Approved By Gov. Sandoval, Board Of Examiners

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – It didn’t take long for Gov. Brian Sandoval to encounter controversy in his new job.
At his first Board of Examiners meeting as governor today, Sandoval had to deal with a vendor dispute over a massive $177 million Medicaid contract.

Carson City deputies arrest man for warrants, providing false ID

Here is another possible example of where the coverup garners more trouble than the crime.

Deputies went looking for Joshua Stephens, 27, on Saturday night because of three outstanding misdemeanor warrants. According to the arrest report, they saw Stephens leave a residence in a green Honda and pulled him over at the corner of North Carson Street and Winnie Lane for using the wrong turn signal.

Prescription drug roundups Saturday in Carson City, Lyon County

Prescription drug roundups will be held in Carson City, Dayton, Silver Springs and Fernley this Saturday, Sept. 25.

Bring your unused and expired prescription drugs to the drop-offs for proper disposal by the sheriff's office. Disposal protects the community and its water supply. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

Acceptable items include: Unused or expired prescription drugs, over-the-counter pills, prescription liquids, pet medications and syringes. The Lyon County roundup will not be accepting syringes or medical waste.

Fitness on the Wire: Good Nutrition Is Important

If you have a book explaining nutrition relating to vitamin and mineral needs, read the chapter regarding what is proper nutrition for kids as well as for adults.

Children don’t consider the amount of vitamins and minerals in food, only the desire to cure hunger. During growing years is the time that they need good nutritional habits. And as we age, eating habits change and many factors, medication, special diets, illness and loneliness get in the way of proper nutrition.

Sheriff Furlong responds to opponent's comment about gang problem

A comment posted by sheriff candidate Bob Guimont has drawn a lengthy and detailed response by the person he is hoping to replace.

Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong sent Carson Now his response to Guimont's comment that was posted after a gang-related shooting incident two weeks ago. Carson Now contacted Guimont and verified that the comment did in fact come from him.

Get the shot: Carson City offers free flu vaccinations on Oct. 16

Saturday, Oct. 16 has been designated Carson City Community Flu Vaccination Day, with vaccines offered to the community at no cost.

It is the seventh year for the program, and by all measures it keeps on growing and has been tremendously successful, health officials said at a press conference this morning.

Last year, there were 8,000 seasonal flu shots given and 21,000 H1N1 shots administered, health officials said.

Nevada Pronunciation Debate Continues, Governer Chimes In

CARSON CITY – A proposal by an out-going Nevada lawmaker to officially recognize an alternate pronunciation of the name of the state as an acceptable second-choice has generated a lot of comment, with most residents not surprisingly opposed to the idea.
But some of those posting comments on various news sites also support the idea that maybe Nevadans should be more tolerant of those who “mispronounce� the state’s name.
Others have suggested the resolution sought for drafting by Assemblyman Harry Mortenson, D-Las Vegas, is a waste of time and money.

Outgoing Nevada State Lawmaker Seeks To End State Pronunciation Debate

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – If there is one thing near and dear to the hearts of many Nevadans, it is the pronunciation of the name of their state.
For most Nevadans, it is pronounced Ne-vaaa-da. The middle syllable rhymes with glad. It is not pronounced Ne-vah-da. And many Nevadans don’t mind letting people know when they err.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,� he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,� he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

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