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Tuesday, Oct. 11: Things to do in Carson City

Event Date: 
October 11, 2016 (All day)

Pick your poison, Carson City. Art, music, politics, film, hiking: all are available today. CCAI brings us a Nevada Neighbors talk with one of the artists featured in the Nevada Museum of Art. The Wired Wednesday group has a workshop for filmmakers in time for the upcoming creepy film festival and competition. Local candidates can be found at the BAC Performance Hall in the first of three voters' forums. It's hard to miss the new 'Home Means Nevada' mural on the side of CAL Ranch at Winnie Lane; the opening ceremony for our newest piece of art is at 2 p.m.

Carson City election forums Wednesday and Oct. 18 will present candidates, questions

Event Date: 
October 12, 2016 - 6:00pm

The League of Women Voters of Northern Nevada, in partnership with Sierra Nevada Forums, American Association of University Women Capital Branch, and PFLAG Carson Region, will present election forums Wednesday, Oct. 12 and Tuesday, Oct. 18.

Carson City Trump Campaign / Nevada GOP Headquarters Grand Opening

Event Date: 
October 7, 2016 - 5:00pm

Inviting all voters to come out and join us for the Grand Opening of the Carson City Trump Campaign and Nevada GOP offices. We will be having food and drinks and speeches from local officials and Senator James Settlemeyer. The event will be tonight at 5:00 PM and will be at 3331 S. Carson Street right across from the Applebees.

Nevada Leaders Oppose Question 2

Nevada Leaders Oppose Question 2:

“As Governor and a former Federal Judge, I have seen first-hand the negative effects that marijuana for recreational purposes can have on our state and our communities. Proponents of this measure claim it will help education, it will not. What it will do is create health and safety problems that Nevada cannot afford. Legalizing marijuana would have devastating consequences for our state and for Nevada families and I would ask that voters join with me and Vote No on 2 when they head to the polls this fall.” – Governor Brian Sandoval

Voting registration deadline Oct. 18

The League of Women Voters of Northern Nevada, in partnership with Sierra Nevada Forums, American Association of University Women Capital (NV) Branch, and PFLAG Carson Region, reminds everyone the dea ...

League of Women Voters hosting election forums in Carson City

The League of Women Voters of Northern Nevada, in partnership with Sierra Nevada Forums, American Association of University Women Capital (NV) Branch, and PFLAG Carson Region, will present a series of election f ...

League of Women Voters Carson City election forums will present all candidates, questions

Event Date: 
October 11, 2016 - 6:00pm
October 12, 2016 - 6:00pm
October 18, 2016 - 6:00pm

The League of Women Voters of Northern Nevada, in partnership with Sierra Nevada Forums, American Association of University Women Capital Branch, and PFLAG Carson Region, will present a series of election forums on Oct. 11, 12 and 18.

Senator Square: Carson High School homecoming is here

The excitement at Carson High School right now is off the chart as every student prepares for Homecoming and all the fun and festivities that come along with its arrival. Beginning at 1 p.m., every student in the school hustled to the CHS big gym to prepare for and celebrate everything from the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes to the upcoming crowning of the 2016 Homecoming Queen and King.

Nevada voter registration numbers drop by nearly 12,000 in August

CARSON CITY — 11,876. That's how many people the Secretary of State's office removed from Nevada's voter registry in August.
"Federal law requires each state to do ongoing and routine list maintenance." Wayne Thorley is the Deputy Secretary of State for Elections. He said routine list maintenance is responsible for the removal of nearly 12,000 voters from the Nevada registry.

Candidates Forum on the Arts is Thursday at the BAC Performance Hall

Event Date: 
September 22, 2016 - 6:30pm

The Carson City Arts & Culture Coalition will present a Candidates Forum on the Arts on Thursday, September 22, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W King Street, Carson City. The forum, free and open to the public, will focus on the role of arts and culture in our community.

Question on recreational marijuana explained Tuesday at Carson City forum

Voters can learn more about Question 2 regarding recreational marijuana on November’s ballot during the Sierra Nevada Forum on Tuesday at the Brewery Arts Center.

3 night Election Forums by Northern Nevada League of Women Voters

Event Date: 
Repeats every week until Tue Oct 18 2016 . Also includes Thu Oct 13 2016.
October 11, 2016 (All day)
Event Date: 
October 13, 2016 (All day)
Event Date: 
October 18, 2016 (All day)

Northern Nevada League of Women Voters will host its election year candidate interviews on the following dates:

Tuesday October 11,2016
1. State Board of Education Dist. 2: David Carter and Pat Hickey
2. Board of Regents Dist. 9: Carol Del Carlo and Sara Lafrance
3. State Assembly District 40: Michael Greedy, Al Kramer, John Wagner
4 Congressional Dist. 2: Mark Amodei, Chip Evans, John Everhart, Drew Knight

Wednesday October 12
1. Carson School Trustee Dist. 5: Steve Reynolds and Michael Walker
2. Carson City Ballot Q1, Gas Tax indexing; Informational discussion

Voters Should Have a Say in Local Government

All workers have the constitutional freedom of association and may form labor unions if they so choose. Under the same constitutional right, employees should be free not to join the union. And employers, public or private, should have the right to bargain with a union or not.

Save the Date: Candidates Forum on the Arts September 22

Event Date: 
September 22, 2016 - 6:30pm

The Carson City Arts & Culture Coalition will present a Candidates Forum on the Arts on Thursday, September 22, 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall, 511 W King Street, Carson City. The forum, free and open to the public, will focus on the role of arts and culture in our community.

Voter registration rises in August

The total number of registered voters in Nevada increased in August as clerks added 15,701 new names to the list.But the number of voters listed as Active Voters actually declined because of routine l ...

Trump vs Clinton: Too Much Alike or Polar Opposites? (Sponsored)

In many ways Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could be considered much alike. Those two would dispute that opinion vigorously. But the American voting public might be interested in the following:

1. Both have low scores with the American public concerning trust and honesty when it comes to many polls.

Marijuana legalization: What’s the Matter with Nevada?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has “Question 4” on their November ballot which mirrors Nevada’s “Question 2”—the commercialization of legalized marijuana in the two states. Both initiatives were drafted and are promoted by the Marijuana Policy Project (Washington, D.C.) and are each locally sponsored by a “ Committee to Regulate and Tax Marijuana Like Alcohol.”

Seat opens on Carson City open space advisory committee

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is looking to seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Carson City Open Space Advisory Committee. There is one open position, to fill a partial term expiring January 2017.

A Potentially Potent Running Mate (sponsored)

As most of my readers know when it comes to politics I am a registered Independent. Most other Independents that I spend time around are individual thinkers who appreciate space and time to make up their minds before voting They are not party hardliners as are many Democrats and Republicans. Most Independents that I actually have met several times and waded into great exchanges of political conversation with struck me as voters who are very careful giving their vote to anyone.

Voting as YOUR Representative

In response to Mr. Waclo's letter dated July 19, 2016, his statements regarding my positions are not accurate.

I opposed the 1/8th cent sales tax because voters were denied their right to vote. This tax includes funding for narrowing the downtown street and is similar to a project previously voted against by the citizens. Based upon past and current input received, nothing has changed.

The underground utility work would have been required and the funds were available, even if the narrowing of Carson Street had NOT occurred. That is a fact.

Candidate forums scheduled in Carson City for October

League of Women Voters is partnering with AAUW, Sierra Nevada Forums and PFLAG to host a series of candidate forums in October.All forums will take place at 6 p.m. at the Brewery Arts Center. On Tuesd ...

Partnership Carson City: Recreational marijuana isn't a simple question

A question on the upcoming ballot asking voters to legalize the use of recreational marijuana in Nevada may seem simple. But a local attorney is urging residents to take a closer look to understand all the possible implications.

The Northern Nevada Development Authority (NNDA) and Maurice White Part I

In Mr. White’s recent paranoid screed against the Northern Nevada Development Agency (NNDA) and against his political opponent, Supervisor Brad Bonkowski, is the classic example of the simplistic “argument of incredulity”. His argument is presented as such: “I don’t know anything about the NNDA, but I know it’s a “government agency”, and therefore it is bad”.

Monmouth poll quick takes

My thoughts on the new Monmouth poll showing the presidential and Senate races close (Hillary up 4, Joe Heck up 2) in Nevada:
1. Forty-four percent (!) of Nevada voters say they think Hillary committed a cri ...

Musings for November 2016 (sponsored)

As a voter like you, I am listening to, viewing, and reading much on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. One is well known in Washington politics and the other also well known but outside the Washington beltway in terms of political experience. Both Clinton and Trump are the presumptive Democratic and Republican candidates for president of the United States respectively. Both have fought very contentious campaigns, Both do not carry a high degree of trust with the American voting public, but for different reasons.

Voters Didn’t Get Fooled Again – and They Won’t Next Time, Either

Nevada Republican voters spoke loudly last night. Again.

They spoke loudly in November 2014, voting down a proposed gross receipts tax (GRT) 4-to-1 and sweeping Republicans into control of Nevada’s executive and legislative branches for the first time in generations.

That was a mandate to hold the line on taxes, reform collective bargaining, stop the bleeding in the Public Employees Retirement System, improve schools through choice and other reforms, and especially to oppose the kind of tax 79 percent of voters rejected.

Others saw things differently.

Carson City 2016 live primary election coverage

Carson City voters will decide who will face off in November in the race for Mayor, as the top 2-vote getters advance.  Carson City Republicans also will pick between four candidates during the Assemb ...

What if Assemblyman Ira Hansen has been lying about Chris Forbush?

The biggest question right now is: “Why is Ira Hansen, a sitting Assemblyman from Sparks, going to such lengths to try to make people believe candidate Chris Forbush is ineligible to run for Assembly District 40 in Carson City?” Ira claims it is because he doesn’t want to see Forbush win the primary, but then as the Republican nominee, get thrown off the general election ballot leaving the seat wide open for the Democrat to win. What if that isn’t the reason at all?

Supreme Court Commerce Tax Decision Was Political

In our last column, we explained that the defeat of efforts to repeal the commerce tax shows that Nevada’s political establishment – controlled by Big Gaming and Big Unions – owns not only many officeholders of both political parties, but much of state and local government.

We said that Nevada’s supreme court justices, as loyal members of the establishment, manufactured a bogus excuse to upset the referendum effort. Today we explain why the court’s decision was political.

Elections and The Truth About Lying

Darby's Mouth of Truth

When I was young and idealistic, I endeavored to never lie. I thought it was a virtue. For the first twenty years of my life I seldom lied. But then I discovered that women think you are stupid if you don't lie. I first discovered the truth about lying to get laid. Women love liars and hate the truth.

Everybody lies. In fact, I am lying right now. Honest. I'm telling the truth about lying about lying. The only person I never lie to, is myself, except of course when I'm lying to myself.

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