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Bills Sought By GOP Senators ‘Returned’ To Assembly As Tax Discussions Continue

CARSON CITY – Republican state senators who are refusing to go along with a call by Democrats to increase funding for the state budget say bills they have sponsored are being held hostage as a result.
Sen. Barbara Cegavske, R-Las Vegas, said Assembly Democrats, who have a 26-16 majority, “called back” seven Senate bills that had already been voted on and sent to the Senate for final action.

Sharron Angle decides not to run for Congress

Sharron Angle, who previously said she was going to run for Nevada's 2nd District Congressional seat, decided today to skip the race.

Her exit was good news for establishment Republicans who worried her presence would split the vote and open the door for a Democrat to win this seat for the first time.

The following is a statement put out by her campaign:

Voting opens today in Yerington mayor's race

Early voting opens today in Yerington's municipal elections with two council seats and the mayor's office on the ballot.Interim City Clerk Sheema Shaw said they are expecting a strong turnout among...

Democrats Refuse To Hear Republican Redistricting Proposal After Tiff

CARSON CITY – After Republican legislators declined to reveal exact data for their redistricting proposal, Democrats refused to give the bill a hearing today.
Then, Democratic legislators voted over Republican objections to pass their own redistricting proposal to a vote on the Senate floor.

Major Campaign Finance Reform Bill Clears Senate Committee Hurdle

CARSON CITY – CARSON CITY – A bill seeking major reforms to Nevada’s campaign finance laws won approval from a Senate panel today after controversial provisions requiring a two-year cooling off period from lobbying by former public officials were stripped from the measure.
Assembly Bill 452 was approved by the Senate Legislative Operations and Elections Committee with Sen. James Settelmeyer, R-Gardnerville, voting no.

Assembly urged to eliminate citywide voting for supervisors

The Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections Committee was urged Thursday to give voters the chance to change four city charters including Carson City's, limiting voting for supervisors to res...

In Redistricting Battle, Political Parties Argue Over 'Who Loves Hispanics More'

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — A Republican Hispanic governor will soon decide the fate of a Democratic redistricting plan that has both political parties embroiled in a debate over fairness to Nevada’s Hispanic population.

Legislature Votes To Cut Pay To State And University Workers

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – Legislators on money committees today approved on a party-line vote a 4.8 percent salary cut to state and higher education employees.
The proposal would include a 2.3 percent cut through furloughs – about six days per year – and a 2.5 percent salary reduction.
Gov. Brian Sandoval had proposed in his budget a 5 percent salary cut to state and higher education workers.

Nevada Campaign Finance Reform Bills Get Senate Committee Hearing

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – An ambitious effort to make major reforms to Nevada’s campaign finance laws moved to the state Senate today after three measures sought by Secretary of State Ross Miller passed the Assembly by a deadline last month.

Secretary Of State Ross Miller Declares Special Election Open For All

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY — Secretary of State Ross Miller today announced that a special election for Nevada’s congressional district two will be open to all candidates.
“You might as call this a ballot royale,” he said.
Miller’s decision allows for any candidate to be on the ballot for the Sept. 13 election. The state Republican party has favored an interpretation of state law that would allow state parties to pick a single candidate of their choice.

Republican and Democrats Release Competing Political District Maps

By Andrew Doughman
CARSON CITY – State Republicans and Democrats today released their proposals for new state legislative political districts.
The competing proposals for state Assembly and Senate districts both keep the Legislature at its current size of 63 legislators.
The Democratic proposal, however, includes Senate districts inside of which are nested two Assembly districts. Democrats said they introduced “nesting” in order to simplify and harmonize how Nevadans are represented at the state levels.

Campaign Finance And Election Reform Bills Win Approval In Assembly By Deadline

By Sean Whaley
CARSON CITY – Two bills that would close loopholes and increase transparency in Nevada’s election and campaign finance laws won approval in the Assembly today with no time to spare.
Secretary of State Ross Miller is seeking the bills restricting the use of multiple political action committees to bypass campaign contribution limits and requiring electronic filing of campaign contribution and expense reports by most candidates.

Blog: John Ensign episode ... too many

By Elizabeth Crum / Nevada News Bureau
With yesterday’s preemptive, hastily announced resignation, Senator John Ensign’s graceless fall from grace continued.

Many Proposals To Amend Nevada Constitution, Including School Vouchers, Fail To Advance In Legislature

CARSON CITY – Efforts in the Legislature to amend Nevada’s constitution failed for the most part to move forward today as a deadline hit to get measures passed out of committee.
Measures creating a lottery, repealing the minimum wage and allowing tax dollars to be spent on religious schools all failed to advance.
One of the most significant failures came on the issue of vouchers for religious schools. Two measures, including one introduced by Gov. Brian Sandoval, did not make it out of committee by the deadline.

Campaign Reform Bill, Minus Key Section, Wins Approval From Assembly Committee

CARSON CITY – The third of three campaign finance reform bills being pushed by Secretary of State Ross Miller this session passed out of an Assembly committee today, but an important provision regulating political action committees was removed.
Lawmakers say the deletion of a key provision of Assembly Bill 81 is only temporary.

Public Sector Unions And Local Governments Spar Over Collective Bargaining Bill

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – In the end, only acrimony prevailed.
Legislators did not immediately vote on a bill from Sen. Michael Roberson, R-Las Vegas, but a hearing on Senate Bill 343 provoked heated testimony over how local governments and public sector unions bargain their contracts.

Senate Panel Hears Proposal To Move Nevada Toward School Choice

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A proposed amendment to the Nevada constitution to allow a future Legislature to create a school voucher program so parents could get state funding to send their children to private schools, including religious schools, was heard by a Senate panel today.

Sandoval says no to 'sin' taxes; wants merit among his policies

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said today the Legislature should take up the policy initiatives he has proposed in his budget and State of the State address based on their own merits, and not be used in trade for negotiations on fee or tax increases.

Gov. Sandoval Says His Policy Proposals Should Be Considered On Own Merits

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval said today the Legislature should take up the policy initiatives he has proposed in his budget and State of the State address based on their own merits, and not be used in trade for negotiations on fee or tax increases.

Measure Raising Bar Before State Could Shift Costs To Local Governments Endorsed By Mayors

CARSON CITY – A proposed constitutional amendment that would require a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to cut funding to or impose an unfunded mandate on local governments was heartily endorsed today by local officials including the mayors of Reno and Las Vegas.

Measure Raising Bar Before State Could Shift Costs To Local Governments Endorsed By Mayors

CARSON CITY – A proposed constitutional amendment that would require a two-thirds vote in the Legislature to cut funding to or impose an unfunded mandate on local governments was heartily endorsed today by local officials including the mayors of Reno and Las Vegas.

Major Campaign Finance Bill Wins Favorable Vote In Assembly Committee

CARSON CITY – A major campaign finance reform bill that would require most candidates to file their contribution and expense reports electronically narrowly passed out of an Assembly panel today on an 8-7 vote.
The bill would also move filing deadlines up to give voters more time to review the political donation and expense information before casting their ballots.

Major Campaign Finance Bill Wins Favorable Vote In Assembly Committee

CARSON CITY – A major campaign finance reform bill that would require most candidates to file their contribution and expense reports electronically narrowly passed out of an Assembly panel today on an 8-7 vote.
The bill would also move filing deadlines up to give voters more time to review the political donation and expense information before casting their ballots.

Assembly Panel Hears Simplified Campaign Finance Reform Bill

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A simplified campaign finance reform bill that would require most candidates to file their contribution and expense reports electronically was given a generally favorable reception today during an Assembly Committee hearing.

Angle Holds Hour Long Press Conference in Reno

By Elizabeth Crum / Nevada News Bureau
Nearly 600 days before the general election and wearing a bright purple suit while proving she is no shrinking violet, Sharron Angle today cheerfully fielded tough questions from nine journalists for nearly an hour.
The sole (so far) candidate for Nevada’s second congressional district held the first press conference of her campaign in a small conference room at the Best Western hotel across from the Reno, NV airport.

Speaker Oceguera Proposes Bill Requiring Training For Legislators

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Legislators would have to attend legislator school under a bill from Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas.
Assembly Bill 260 would make it mandatory for all new legislators to attend classes before the official start of the legislative session.

Allegations Of Gerrymandering Fly As Legislators Address Redistricting

By Andrew Doughman / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – When it comes to redistricting this year, the line from the Assembly Republicans goes like this: the “fair” process is unfair.
They say the process resulted in gerrymandering in 2001, when the boundaries of political districts were last redrawn.

Celebration at Greater Nevada's Annual Meeting

Greater Nevada Credit Union held its 62nd Annual meeting on March 8, 2011 at their headquarters in Carson City. Members, Board members, management, and staff gathered to celebrate the past year’s achievements and recognize 80 individuals who reached 35 years of membership with Greater Nevada during the last year. Of those long-time members, 13 were present to personally accept their appreciation gifts.

During the meeting, two officers whose terms had ended were re-elected by general consent, and the new Board of Directors was announced:

  • Chair, Robert Joiner

The Audacity of Rory Reid: 75 Mini-PACs Funneled $750,000 from Leadership PAC to Campaign

Here in the home of the politically audacious, Rory Reid has tested the bounds of boldness and possibly crossed into the land of the unethical. (Whether or not the campaign contribution law Rory thwarted should be on the books - many think it should not – is a topic for another day.)

Secretary Of State Presents Campaign Finance And Election Reform Package To Legislature

CARSON CITY – Secretary of State Ross Miller made his pitch for campaign finance reform before an Assembly committee today, saying that while his two bills are extensive and complex at 155 pages combined, the many provisions are necessary because, “we are behind the curve.”
Miller, in testimony before the Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections Committee, said Nevada should provide increased transparency to voters about the campaign contributions and expenses of the candidates for public office.

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