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October 2010

Carson Senators outlast Douglas in overtime football thriller

A 24-yard final field goal by Carson Senator Austin Pacheco in overtime, his third one of the night, brought home yet another victory for the Carson City high school football team, reports Carsonsports.com.
Pacheco's winning kick was the difference as the Carson High football team kept its undefeated season record intact with a thrilling 16-13 victory against arch rival Douglas on Friday night.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month includes purple ribbons in downtown Carson City

With Nevada having the worst murder rate in the nation when it comes to domestic violence against women by men, the state's attorney general said the issue is a top priority for her office.

A Change in the Weather

After a pleasant week of unseasonably warm temperatures, it looks like autumn is on its way to the Carson City region and the Sierra.
From the National Weather Service on Friday afternoon:

Water Needs for Workouts

Keeping hydrated with plenty of water is important during exercise. Here are some things to think about:

• Light physical activity requires at least 7 to 10 glasses of water per day, plus the fluid you get in your daily food consumption. Additional water should be ingested for your body to function properly during hot weather exercise.

• Vegetables and fruits are about 80 percent water, bread 35 percent, and rice or pasta dishes contain around 70 percent water. You can see that ingesting too little water is seldom a problem, unless you are participating in heavy physical activity.

Carson, Douglas long-running football feud is tonight

Carsonsports.com's Dave Price provides some great context to the historic football rivalry between Carson and Douglas high schools. Click here to read the story. Tonight's 68th match-up begins at 7 p.m. at Keith Roman field in Minden.

NV Energy slashes electric prices for Northern Nevada customers

Here's some good news for those who've come to expect bad news: Beginning today NV Energy will slash its overall electric rates by 6.73 percent for Northern Nevada customers.

With the adjustment, electric rates will have dropped nearly 19 percent since January 2009, company officials say, bringing the rollback electric prices to 2005 levels.

Carson City authorities take aim at thieves with pawn shop crackdown

Carson City businesses who deal in pawn and trade were given an update Thursday on revised laws by the Carson City Sheriff's Office. The update is designed to stop the sale of stolen property to pawn shops by thugs, drug addicts and dealers.

The statute reads: Pursuant to NRS 646.060 a Pawn Broker or, NRS 647.140 a second hand dealer, must not receive property from anyone under the age of 18, common drunkard, habitual known criminals, their associates and or their agents.

Brewery Arts Center in Carson City names John Shelton as Executive Director

Carson City's primary arts service organization has a new executive director. John M. Shelton was hired this week by the board of directors as the Brewery Art Center's leader and executive director.