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August 2009

Nevada ready to answer questions

Since the end of the 2008-09 season, there have been many questions surrounding the Nevada football team: Will Colin Kaepernick become more of a passing quarterback? What can the running game do with two premier running backs in the backfield? How...

Flu shot season early and long

ATLANTA (AP) - Get ready to roll up your sleeve three times for flu shots.Most people will need one shot for the regular seasonal flu and probably two others to protect against the new swine flu.

NV Energy seeks renewable energy proposals

NV Energy announced today that its two Nevada-based utility subsidiaries have issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for renewable energy resources.

Update: Trustee Enge signs resignation letter from jail

After his second alcohol-related arrest this year, Joe Enge has seemingly resigned his position on the Carson City School Board on Thursday.

Buying interest high for Cal Neva Resort

CRYSTAL BAY - A buyer for the Cal Neva Resort, Spa and Casino in Lake Tahoe could be found by September, said a vice president of the firm hired to sell the storied property.

Carson City health inspections

Carson City Health Department's food-service inspections for the week of July 14-July 20 (all scores are on a 100-point scale, with points deducted depending on the severity of violations):

Can faith help a person recover from illness and injury?

What effect does faith have on physical healing? Do religious or spiritual practices help people recover from - or cope with - illness and injury? Such questions are the subject of a discussion between Sally Quinn, a moderator of the...

Quick study

PANCREATIC CANCEREating red meat and dairy appears to raise risk.

Potential glaucoma treatment tested

WASHINGTON - A new type of eye drop may point the way to treatment for glaucoma, though it's only been tested in three people so far.

Origin of malaria may have been found

WASHINGTON (AP) - Scientists say they may have tracked down the origins of the deadly disease malaria - chimpanzees.