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Gubernatorial Candidate Brian Sandoval Answers Questions on Issues

This morning in a statewide media conference call moderated by the Nevada News Bureau, candidate Brian Sandoval fielded questions on numerous issues including the 2003 Supreme Court ruling on the two-thirds legislative supermajority needed to increase taxes, tax policy, the Tax Pledge, budget cuts and higher education salaries, renewable energy mandates and the state’s health care reform lawsuit.

Supervisor candidate forum wrap

A few thoughts about tonight's supervisor candidate forum (you can get our live blog of the event here, and the Nevada Appeal version here):

• All candidates did well. There were no obvious gaffs. A lot of times, these forums expose those not-ready-for-prime-time candidates. Not this time. All spoke well and knew the issues.

Remember candidate forum tonight

Candidates for Carson City Supervisor will be answering questions at 6 p.m. at the Carson Nugget, at a forum put on by the Carson City Chamber of Commerce.

Here are the candidates who are scheduled to speak:

Ward 1 Candidates:

Karen Abowd
Rob Joiner
Sean Lehmann
Paul Saucedo
Gary Schulz
Norman Scoggin

Ward 3 Candidates:

John McKenna
Mark Sattler
Day Williams

WNC Professor Robert Morin will serve as moderator and ask each candidate a series of three questions.
The audience will have the opportunity to weigh in.

Candidate forums for Carson City seats set for April 12 and April 15

Important decisions lie ahead with voters in the upcoming elections for several Carson City elected offices.

The Carson City Chamber of Commerce will hold two primary candidates forums April 12 and April 15, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Carson Nugget, 507 North Carson Street. The event is free and open to the public. WNC Professor Robert Morin will serve as moderator and ask each candidate a series of three questions. The audience will have the opportunity to weigh in.

A different "Race to the Top:" Voter registration

Democrats still hold a lead in the total number of registered voters in Nevada, although Republicans hold majorities in 14 of the state's 17 counties.

2010 Election Season Crucial with Redistricting on the Agenda in the Next Legislative Session

CARSON CITY – As millions of Americans fill out their census forms over the next several weeks in the nation’s once-a-decade head co

Carson City school leaders close in on bond vote; property taxes for schools would decrease

Assessing $25 million in immediate needs, $10 million in enhancement and ongoing technology needs to keep school facilities operational for several years to come, Carson City voters could very well see their property taxes paid to schools decrease by 4 cents.

Rory Reid Takes His Education Reform Plan to Northern Nevada, Rejects Vouchers as “Gimmick”

RENO – Democratic candidate for governor Rory Reid took his education reform plan to northern Nevada today, calling for a fundamental change to give principals, teachers and parents a much bigger say in how their schools operate.

Democrats respond to Heller vote; says he took nearly $76K from insurance companies

Tracking Sunday's congressional health care vote, Carson Now quoted Congressman Dean Heller with a statement from his Web site.

Congress clears historic health care bill: Dean Heller votes no

Congressman Dean Heller, firmly standing with his party and the health insurance industry, rejected a Democratic-led plan to provide affordable health care for Northern Nevadans.

Jim Gibbons' tea party gambit

It seems like Gov. Jim Gibbons is officially jumping on the Tea Party bandwagon.

I've been wondering what was taking him so long.

Gibbons has been such a disaster that he might become the first sitting Nevada governor to lose a primary. His main challenger, Brian Sandoval, has raised five times more cash as Gibbons, and there are many who think this race has already been decided.

Carson City leaders OK deep budget cuts, including sheriff deputy positions

The Carson City Board of Supervisors agreed to make about $7.8 million in cuts, including the elimination of about 20 positions from the Carson City Sheriff's Office.

Board of Supervisors live update: Deputies willing to take pay cuts to save jobs

Carson City Sheriff deputies, wearing yellow t-shirts declaring "Say No to Cuts for Cops," have packed the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center for the Board of Supervisors meeting, waiting

Committee discusses critical issues surrounding Nugget project

Members of the newly formed Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee received an extensive briefing tonight on where the project is now, and what still needs to be worked out.

Nugget President Steve Neighbors and project consultant Mark Lewis were on hand to answer the committee's questions about the project before a capacity audience in the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center.

Governor Gibbons to Sign Race to Top Bill in Las Vegas on Wednesday

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons on Wednesday will sign the “Race to the Top” bill allowing Nevada to compete for federal school improvement funds, a spokesman said today.

Independent American Party Files Candidate List, Looks to Make Headway in 2010

CARSON CITY – The Independent American Party (IAP) this week released its list of candidates for 38 different offices, including the seat now held by U.S. Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and all three congressional seats. There are candidates for state and local offices as well.

Carson City Sheriff's Office could carry the bulk of job layoffs

With as many as 30 employees targeted for Carson City government layoffs, the equivalent of 23 of those positions may come from the sheriff's office.

Special Session: Assembly GOP Leader Says Bank Fee in Budget a Tradeoff, Expresses Concerns About Last Minute Jobs Bill

CARSON CITY – Assembly Minority Leader Heidi Gansert said in an interview today that GOP agreement to include a new f

Bipartisan Budget Deal in Place

CARSON CITY – As a deal to close an $805 million budget gap was announced today, bringing a close to a sometimes rancorous six-day special session, Republican lawmakers say they helped shape the de

End in sight for Special Session?

Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, D-Las Vegas, told reporters Saturday night that legislative leaders, Governor Gibbons and administrative officials have come to a tentative agreement on how to plu

New Senator Talks About First Vote Of Special Session, Future Votes

Republican Senator Stan Olsen cast his

Strategy to Avoid Gibbons Vetoes on Tap if Needed

CARSON CITY – Because of the tense relationship between the Legislature and Gov.

Special Session looking to get messy

As state lawmakers scramble to fill a nearly one billion dollar hole in the state budget, political warfare has escalated between Governor Gibbons and the Legislature.

Conservative Caucus, GOP Minority Fight to Get Their Views Heard in Special Session

CARSON CITY – Assembly Republicans, who haven’t had a majority presence in the Legislature in 25 years, are working with their Senate col

Democrats and Republicans square off on strategies to fix the state’s budget crisis

Most Democrats (“yes to new taxes”) and most Republicans (“no to new taxes”) are squaring off during the special session of the legislature. Senate Majority Leader Sen.

Nugget project: Setting the baseline for examination

A few weeks ago, I wrote that we would be taking an in-depth look at the Carson Nugget downtown redevelopment project.

Comment on Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions. by Pumpman

CaptainAlex for CC Supervisor … he’s got my vote!

Special Session Starts Tuesday: Likely to be Gawd Awful

Faced with the prospects of massive teacher layoffs, more state worker pink slips and shorter paychecks for those who stay, slashed services for the poor, the sick and the elderly, and the closure

Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions.

Editorial by Dave Morgan

An article in the Nevada Appeal this morning attempts to get new information from the Nugget Project’s “go to guy,” Steve Neighbors. Neighbors, who is now the owner of the Nugget, is quoted as saying that the project still lacks a developer to shoulder the “private industry” half of the project. That’s about all that’s new from Neighbors, that they STILL don’t have a private partner.

Final Push for Nevada Pepsi Challenge 'On the Road' in Nevada

Support the Pepsi Challenge to send Vista volunteers Arlene Williams and Janet Wright 'On the Road' to capture the story of Nevada’s volunteers.

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