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Nevada Insurers Stop Offering Child-Only Policies Due to Uncertainty Over Federal Health Care Law

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A Nevada insurance broker today said families seeking health care coverage for a child only can no longer purchase such policies because of uncertainty over the effects of the national health care reform law.

Nevada Secretary Of State Says Overseas Voters Benefitting From New Technology

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – With less than four weeks to go before early voting begins for the Nov. 2 general election, military and civilian voters located overseas are already taking advantage of a new online system that verifies their marked ballots have been received by local election officials.

Full-Time RVer Finds Voter Residency Rules Will Keep Him From Casting Nevada Ballot

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Long-time Nevada resident Art Cooke says he is now officially a disenfranchised voter.
After voting in every primary and general election in Carson City for a decade, Cooke sold his Bodie Drive home and became a full-time recreational vehicle resident upon retirement five years ago. Cooke and his wife Rita spend time out-of-state every year, wintering in Yuma, Ariz. and visiting other states in their luxury recreational vehicle.

Former GOP Senate Candidate Chachas Says He May Run For Ensign Senate Seat In 2012

Former Republican Senate candidate John Chachas said today he is now residing in Nevada and that he “may run� for the U.S. Senate seat held by Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., in 2012.
“I may run,� he said in an interview with Jon Ralston on the Face To Face television program.

Nugget Project vote could be delayed until 2011 (updated)

The yet-to-be-completed plans for the Carson City Center aka Nugget Project may not be voted on by the Carson City Board of Supervisors until after the beginning of the new year, according to City Manager Larry Werner.

Werner said there will be a status update presented to the citizens committee on Sept. 27. Another committee meeting will be scheduled once the plans are finalized, Werner said. The presentation of the full plans had already been delayed twice before, adding two months to the original timeline.

OurTown: Ian MIndling, candidate for Carson City Assessor

Candidate for Carson City Assessor, Ian Mindling, talks about how he would manage the job.


Hambrick Says He Will Seek Election as Assembly Minority Leader if Reelected in the General

Assemblyman John Hambrick this week said he will vie for chairmanship of the Republican Assembly Caucus against sitting chairman Pete Goicoechea if he wins reelection in November. He also expressed concerns about what he characterized as an abuse of power by some in Democratic leadership in Carson City.

Secretary of State Ross Miller to File His Campaign Contribution And Expense Report Early

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – In an effort to convince his fellow elected officials that filing campaign contribution and expenditure reports online and before early voting is not too onerous for candidates, Secretary of State Ross Miller said he will do so voluntarily in advance of the Nov. 2 general election.

Dozens of Nevada Candidates Respond Favorably To Transparency Query, Many More Have Yet To Reply

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – More than 60 candidates for legislative and statewide public office have responded to a questionnaire seeking their views on several key government transparency issues.

New Bill Draft Requests Focus On Wide Range of Issues

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – More than 250 new bill requests were filed for drafting last week by lawmakers and others on issues ranging from requiring health insurance plans to cover acupuncture treatments to implementing a four-year cooling off period before former lawmakers could work as lobbyists.

Nevada's Active Voter Rolls Increase By Nearly 8,000 In August

By Nevada News Bureau staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s active voter rolls increased by 7,882 registrations in August, with Democrats picking up just over 2,600 new voters compared to just over 2,000 for Republicans.
Democrats now have 461,461 active registered voters just about two months before the Nov. 2 general election compared to 402,960 for the GOP, a 58,501 edge for Democrats and a slight increase from July.

One Community, One Child at a Time

Playgrounds are a pure joy to watch. Children experiment and dream with unbridled optimism. One elementary school in Carson City, by itself, houses over 600 future teachers, healers and leaders. It is a parent’s best dream to envision a bright, healthy, productive future for our children. Sometimes fear overtakes us, as we live with the daily reminders of our world’s very-real threats to those futures. Many of those fears are born of the very-real adult perspectives we have on environmental risks - like crime, drug use and violence.

Labor Day Guest Op-Ed

The middle class in jeopardy
By Todd M. Koch

Questions you will never see on Jeopardy: What country holds elections where one side can force all voters to listen to all its campaign speeches and propaganda? What country allows bosses to threaten the jobs of workers who don't vote the company way?

The U.S.A.

Nevada Business Leaders Say Legislation Pending In Congress Will Kill Jobs

RENO – Several Nevada business leaders took the opportunity of the upcoming Labor Day holiday to speak out today against federal legislation they say will kill jobs in Nevada at a time when the unemployed total more than 20 percent.

Nugget Project tidbits

There is an interesting discussion going on over at the Nevada Appeal site concerning the Nugget Project.

The story begins two week ago when Guy Farmer wrote a rather harsh column that slammed the Nugget Project. In response, last week there was a guest column by Michael Douglass criticizing Farmer's take on the subject.

Sheriff Furlong responds to opponent's comment about gang problem

A comment posted by sheriff candidate Bob Guimont has drawn a lengthy and detailed response by the person he is hoping to replace.

Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong sent Carson Now his response to Guimont's comment that was posted after a gang-related shooting incident two weeks ago. Carson Now contacted Guimont and verified that the comment did in fact come from him.

GOP Caucus Discusses Expansion of State Sales Tax on Food, Reduction of Business Taxes

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Assembly Minority Leader Pete Goicoechea said today Nevada voters should be asked to expand the state sales tax to include food purchases as a way to raise revenue and broaden the tax base.
But any such revenue hike should be accompanied by a reduction in the state’s regressive business taxes, he said.

Angle Criticizes Reid For Making Her Religion An Issue, Says Mosque Supporters Have a ‘Right to Build’ But Need to be ‘Sensitive’

CARSON CITY – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle said in an interview last week that her opponent is trying to make her Christian religion an issue to divert voters from the real problems facing the U.S. and Nevada, including the economy and jobs.

Carson City supervisors OK grant application request to study shrinking Carson Street lanes

Carson City leaders agreed this morning to apply for a $240,000 HUD grant that would help in preliminary design work for narrowing Carson Street between John and Stewart streets from four to two lanes.

If the city were to get the grant, it would have to kick down about $60,000 in matching grants which would come from the city's redevelopment agency and the regional transportation commission. Money for the matching grants would be available because it has already been set aside in their budgets.

Governor Gibbons Evaluating Strings Tied to Federal Support Before Accepting Funding

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said today he wants to see what strings are attached to the $82 million approved by Congress this week to hire teachers in Nevada before agreeing to accept the funds.

Road re-opened after V & T derails near Virginia City (UPDATE)

A storm cell that hit the Gold Hill area produced mud slides that may be behind what caused V&T Engine 29 to derail, officials said this morning.

The V&T engine derailed last night at about 6:30 near Gold Hill after a series of heavy rains produced micro-mudslides, many of which may have flowed onto the V&T Railroad tracks.

Nevada Budget Director Paints Grim Picture

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – State Budget Director Andrew Clinger yesterday painted a bleak picture of Nevada’s next two-year spending plan, saying under current tax and spending levels every single program and agency except for education would have to be eliminated to balance the budget.

Sen. Reid earmarks $400k for City Center/Nugget Project business incubator

A financial services bill working its way through the U.S. Senate contains a $400,000 earmark that appears to be destined for the business incubator that is part of the planned Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

Nugget Project update: a look at the Meridian report

Last week we reported that the governor's office sent a letter to Nugget Project consultant Mark Lewis taking issue with certain parts of the feasibility study for moving three state agencies into the Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

The one big item missing in that story was the Meridian Business Advisors feasibility study itself, which we now have a copy of.

Governor's office says Nugget Project proponents overstating their support

A letter from Gov. Jim Gibbon's office states that a feasibility study done for the Carson City Center Project (AKA Nugget Project) has "overstated" the governor's support of the project.

Effort begins to establish secret union ballot requirements in state

CARSON CITY – A group seeking to mandate the use of secret ballots in all elections involving union representation has filed an initiative petition to make such a requirement the law in Nevada.
The proposal to amend Nevada state law was filed July 15 with the Secretary of State’s office and lists Steve Wark of Las Vegas as the state chairman of the Save Our Secret Ballot effort.

Supervisor candidate lands endorsement from primary foes

The four people running for Carson City Supervisor Ward 1 who were eliminated in the June primary have all thrown their support behind candidate Rob Joiner.

Joiner released a letter today (attached below) signed by Paul R. Saucedo, Norm Scoggin, Sean Lehmann and Gary Schulz, proclaiming their support for Joiner.

In search of clarity for Curry Street Promenade, Part 1

If you have taken part in the events going on in downtown Carson City this summer — such as the Friday night concerts on 3rd Street or the farmer’s market on Saturday mornings — then you have witnessed the Curry Street Promenade in action.

Though most would agree that the events are a great benefit for our downtown, the process by which this project came about is a strange one, tainted with managerial missteps, missing budgets and political indifference.

Carson City School District president 'amazed' marijuana charge dropped against principal

At least one Carson City School District official is troubled by the outcome of Friday's misdemeanor driving under the influence guilty plea by Carson Middle School Principal Sam Santillo.
School board trustee president Norm Scoggin said he's "amazed" that a misdemeanor charge of possession of less than an ounce of marijuana was dropped by the Washoe County District Attorney's Office.

Carson City Board of Supervisors suspends redevelopment incentive program

Supervisors meeting as Redevelopment Authority approved resolution to suspend program to offer financial incentives to small businesses, which would allow the Office of Business Development to focus on infrastructure and larger projects.

The agenda is here. See transcript of live blog below:

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