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Gibbons Holds Out Hope But Says He Will Not Seek Public Office Again If Not Re-Elected

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said today the political pundits and pollsters may be in for a surprise when the votes are counted in the GOP governor’s race on primary election day June 8.

Gibbons OPEN Government Initiative Passes Challenge Period, Signature Gathering Begins

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons has announced his initiative petition to amend state law to subject public employee union negotiations to Nevada’s open meeting law has passed a legal challenge period, allowing the signature gathering process to begin.

Carson City Board of Supervisors approves Nugget development agreement, Fireside building lease

The Carson City Board of Supervisors agreed to move forward with planning for the Carson City Center Project, AKA Nugget Project, allocating $75,000 to the effort.

The vote was 4-1, with Pete Livermore casting the no vote.

The agreement gives P3 Development the funds to come up with a plan over the next 90 days to see if the project is feasible, and what the final outcome would look like. The trust that owns the Carson Nugget is throwing in $75,000, with another $16,000 coming from the Carson City Library.

Nugget Project gets a new name

I saw this last week but didn't get a chance to do anything on it. The Nugget Project has a new name: The Carson City Center Project.

Why? It seems the Nugget name was getting in the way, as people focused on what it will do to help the Carson Nugget. It should be noted, however, that it was the city who deemed this the Nugget Project.

But do you think a new name will really change the perceptions about this project? Do you think the name will stick?

Nevada Senate 2010

by Diana Caswell Source: http://aroundcarson.com/2010/05/26/nevada_senate_2010 Nevada senate 2010- Chad Christensen- a true conservative-Dump Reid! Taking America back. Vote Chad Christensen Senate 2010 Nevada!

Nugget Project: The state lease process

Obtaining leases from three state agencies has been cited by the people pushing the Nugget Project as a critical piece to its success.

But, there's been more than a little skepticism that the State of Nevada, staring down the barrel of a $3 billion deficit in its next budget, has any appetite for spending money it doesn't have to.

Early voting starts tomorrow, but what's the rush?

Early voting opens tomorrow at the Carson City Courthouse. And while I voted on the first day last election, I'm waiting until June 1 this time. That is when the campaign finance reports come in. It will be interesting to see who is funding which candidates. We will be posting those reports on Carson Now when we get them for everyone to see. Also, before you vote, check out Our Town, where we have interviewed most of the candidates.

Conservative Candidates Challenge Moderates in Key GOP State Senate Primary Races

Part 2 of a Series on Key GOP State Senate Primary Races
CARSON CITY – While Republican voters have a rare chance to chart the course of the GOP Senate caucus in the upcoming primary, the candidates described by some political observers as the establishment choice say they too are true fiscal conservatives who believe in core party values.

Angle Votes to Raise Legislative Pay Confirmed, Spokesperson Calls Lowden Attack Ad “Desperate”

CARSON CITY – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden has a new ad attacking her GOP rival Sharron Angle over her past votes in the Nevada Legislature to raise lawmaker pay as the June 8 primary draws near and early voting is set to begin tomorrow.

GOP Primary Voters Could Chart Course of State Senate, Nevada Legislature

Part 1 of 2 on Five Key State Senate Races
CARSON CITY – Over the past several legislative sessions the state Senate Republican caucus has shown a willingness to work across the aisle with Democrats, with some GOP lawmakers voting more than once for tax increases as a way to balance the budget.

Member of Vision Stakeholder Panel, Lawmaker, Raise Open Meeting Law Concern

CARSON CITY – A member of the citizen’s panel appointed by lawmakers to chart Nevada’s future for the next 20 years expressed concern today about whether the process to be followed to complete the effort conforms to meet the requirements of the state Open Meeting Law.

Nugget Project poll question

The Nevada Appeal has a good poll question about the Nugget Project, so we recreated the question here. Since this is probably the closest thing we are going to get to a public vote, go vote on our question, and then go over to the Appeal and vote on theirs.

Amodei Elected Nevada GOP Chairman, Rumors of Challenge by Ricotta Unfounded

RENO — The Nevada Republican Party elected Mark Amodei its new chairman last night during a special Central Committee meeting at the Sienna Hotel and Casino.  Amodei, a former state senator, defeated Clark County Republican Party Political Director David Isbell by a vote of 218 to 54.
After the election, Amodei said he would focus on moving forward and defeating the Democrats in the upcoming elections. To do this, he says, he will focus on communication and collaboration within the party.

Sales Tax Accidentally Raised by Legislators, Governor During Special Session

In the waning hours of the special session this past February, legislators hurriedly introduced and passed Senate Bill 5, a bill intended, among other things, to remove the sunset on part of a half-percent sales tax passed in 2003.

Legislators Criticize Extension of Sales Tax Hike Without Voter Approval

Legislators this week voiced objections to the passage of Senate Bill 5 during the 2010 special session, which lifted the sunset on a temporary sales tax increase that was passed by voters in 2002.

Legislators React to Governor’s Petition Drive to Create Transparency in Government Labor Negotiations

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons announced yesterday he is pursuing an initiative petition to subject labor negotiations between unions and local government entities to the open meeting law to give taxpayers access to the discussions.
Some Republican lawmakers welcomed the idea, saying the Democrat-controlled Legislature has been unwilling to consider such a proposal.

Survey finds broad support for uniforms at Carson City middle school

CARSON CITY — A telephone survey of Carson Middle School parents conducted this weekend shows broad support for the concept of school uniforms, reports Principal Sam Santillo.
A presentation of the survey findings, which shows 66 percent support among CMS parents, will be discussed tonight during the regular meeting of the Carson City School District board. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William Street. We'll have live coverage of the meeting.

Nugget Project: Meet the developer (updated)

The developer chosen for the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Project will be on hand tonight to answer questions about the project.

Rick Oshinski, CEO of Sacramento-based P3 Development, will appear before the Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee tonight in the Community Center's Sierra Room.

Carson Now plans to show live video of the meeting, as well as hosting a discussion forum.

Many questions are sure to arise, concerning the details on the project and its scope, as well as the developer and how the company was chosen.

As I've been talking to people about this project, I've collected a number of questions, that I put together below.

Lt. Gov. Krolicki says Nevada Missed Out on Chance to Protect Tobacco Settlement Funds

CARSON CITY – Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki says it is now clear the Nevada Legislature should have “securitized� the money the state was scheduled to receive as part of a settlement with the tobacco companies a decade ago to protect it from the current reality of lower than expected annual payments.

Number of Active Voters Down, Democrats Still Lead in Registrations

CARSON CITY — According to data released by the Nevada Secretary of State yesterday, the number of total registered Democrats only rose by 58 in April, fewer than the number of new registered members of Nevada’s largest third party, the Independent American Party, which has 374 more registered voters. This is also well under the 710 new nonpartisan voters and 1,268 new Republican voters.

Redevelopment Authority Citizen Committee to discuss $125k in projects tonight

The Carson City Redevelopment Authority Citizen Committee will discuss five funding requests from the agency's revolving fund, totaling more than $125,444.

The meeting is tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the Sierra Room at the Community Center. We will have live video coverage of the meeting.

James and Jea Gotchy, owners of Lily’s China Bistro at 1280 S. Carson Street, are asking for funding assistance of $40,180.

Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation is seeking funding assistance of $37,364 to support a property improvement project at 303 Fleischmann Way.

Voters to Remain in Dark About Campaign Contributions

CARSON CITY — Nevadans who intend to vote early in the primary and general elections this year will likely find themselves in the dark on the question of who has contributed to the campaigns of the candidates.
Despite efforts in past legislative sessions to improve the transparency of campaign contributions received by candidates, lawmakers have failed to make meaningful reforms to the reporting process.

GOP Consultant Calls State Treasurer Hypocrite for Radio Ads

CARSON CITY – A spokesman for Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall is rejecting any suggestion that her participation in radio ads to promote a children’s contest involving a college savings program is aimed at helping her re-election campaign.

But a campaign consultant for her GOP opponent called Marshall a hypocrite for engaging in the same practice she criticized her predecessor for doing, and for “pushing the envelope” by running ads after the close of filing for office.

New Poll Shows Lowden Still Leading, Angle Gaining in U.S Senate Primary

In an automated one-question survey of likely Republican voters conducted for the Nevada News Bureau on April 22 by PMI, Inc., U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden earned 41 percent of the vote compared to 24 percent for Danny Tarkanian, 17 percent for Sharron Angle and 18 percent who prefer someone else.
The poll question read as follows:

Carson City Sheriff’s Protective Association endorses Guimont

Deputies of the Carson City Sheriff’s Protective Association have endorsed fellow officer Bob Guimont for the city's top elected law enforcement leadership position.

Of the 75 ballots cast, and 60 returned, Guimont racked up 45 votes, or 86.5 percent of the actual votes cast, followed by incumbent sheriff Ken Furlong with four votes and challenger Bob White, a sheriff's office captain, with three votes. Of the returned ballots, five were marked No Candidate and three of the votes were not counted because they were not sealed.

GOP Senate Candidate John Chachas will Remain in Race through Primary Despite Low Poll Numbers

CARSON CITY – GOP Nevada U.S. Senate candidate John Chachas will stay in the race through the June primary despite a poor showing in a recent poll, saying today those results did not fully reflect a television ad campaign he initiated only recently.

GOP Washoe Senate District 4 Candidates Question Opponents’ Records in Televised Debate

CARSON CITY – Two of the four Republican candidates seeking to replace Sen. Randolph Townsend in state Senate District 4 in Washoe County attacked one another’s records in a debate televised today on the Nevada NewsMakers program.
Assemblyman Ty Cobb said one of his opponents, Ben Kieckhefer, has called for “revenue enhancements” which Cobb said is support for a tax increase. Kieckhefer denied the charge.

Salary Cut Proposal Passed Over at Board of Regents Meeting

The Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents decided to not consider Regent Mark Alden’s proposal to reduce the salaries of university staff during its meeting last week. Instead, the board focused on increasing student fees and cutting programs.

Nevada Election Law Needs More Clarity, Says Backer of 2008 Taxpayer Protection Act

CARSON CITY – One of the major backers of a proposed 2008 measure aimed at raising the bar on tax increases said today a court ruling upholding the right of Tea Party of Nevada candidate Scott Ashjian to remain on the ballot shows the need for more clarity in state election law.

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