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What Works: Have an expectation? Try communication!

I used to say, “expectations are pre-meditated resentments.” I used to try to stop myself from having expectations, of myself, others, and outcomes. Every time I tried to stop myself, I waged a private war in my head. What I didn’t realize at the time is that I needed to stop communicating with myself so much and start communicating with others.

Carson City students participate in nationwide walkout to address school safety

Students across the country, including those in Carson City, walked out of class Wednesday, marking one month since a mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., left 17 dead at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Don’t run around in circles: here’s what’s going on this Pi Day

Event Date: 
March 14, 2018 (All day)

March 14, or 3.14, is jokingly referred to as ‘Pi Day’ because of its resemblance to the mathematical constant. The Tahoe Mountain Milers host a fun run every year to celebrate. If you can run 3.14 miles in a time closest to 31.4 minutes, the bragging rights, and a delicious pie, will be yours. Spaghetti is on the menu at the Nevada Governor’s Mansion where the Nurses of Western Nevada College are hosting a fundraiser.

What Works: Act Like a Kid and Get More Creative

How often do you allow yourself to play? If you just rolled your eyes, I’m definitely talking to you. At some point, you had joy in what you were doing. Maybe it wasn’t work. Maybe you were at the hot springs with a pool noodle shooting water at your friends. Whatever you were doing, you were in a place of joy.

Early childhood obesity prevention website launched by Nevada Cooperative Extension

The percentage of obese children in Nevada is rising, and nearly one-third of children entering kindergarten are considered overweight or obese. To help teachers and parents teach healthy habits to children before age 5, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension recently launched the Healthy Kids Resource Center website.

Carson City students prepare for school safety walkouts

CARSON CITY — Showing solidarity with schools nationwide, some students at Carson High School will voluntarily join together for “School Safety,” commemorating the one-month anniversary of the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., which claimed the lives of 17 people.

Things to do on Tuesday: trivia, trails, and tacos

Event Date: 
March 6, 2018 (All day)

Happy Tuesday, Carson City. Every week, Muscle Powered explores three different trails during their guided hikes. Today, join them as they walk sections of the multi-use path along the freeway. You’ll always find trivia at Fox Brewpub and at Sassafras on Tuesdays, but now you can also participate in Family Game Night at Battle Born Social or Celebrity Bingo at Westside Pour House. Singer-songwriter Canyon White leads the jam at Living the Good Life; sample something from their menu, or try their Tuesday taco and beer special, and sit back and enjoy the show.

What Works: Dealing with and thriving through the unexpected

Life comes out of left field sometimes. I remember when I was laid off from my last full-time job. I had it all: a nice salary, stock options, insurance, and a 401k. By all auspices, I was set. More than set, I was really happy. I loved my co-workers. I really enjoyed the work I was doing. The boat was sailing on smooth seas. Then, the typhoon hit.

What Works: Out with it! Why direct communication is important

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to say something, but you didn’t know how? What does that feel like in your body? Does it feel like a headache, pressing on your chest, or a pit in your stomach? Stating your truth is uncomfortable. But it’s also necessary in order to have authentic relationships with others.

What Works: What it means to lead and be the alpha

This morning, my thoughts were consumed by the idea of being the leader, the benevolent king or queen, or the alpha. The word alpha stuck in my head. I thought of the wolves and how an alpha wolf leads the pack, both from the back or the front.

Valentine’s Day happenings around Carson City: parties, movies, and more

Event Date: 
February 14, 2018 (All day)

Today is traditionally a day to celebrate sweethearts, but there are those who eschew the trappings of what they consider a ‘Hallmark holiday.’ However you choose to spend the day, you’ll find some options here. Show some love to local non-profit ‘Food for Thought’ by grabbing a yummy beverage at Dutch Brothers coffee today. Battle Born Social is hosting a Un-Valentine's Roaring 20s Party and hoping to see some zoot suits and flapper dresses while they serve era-inspired cocktails and appetizers.

What Works: Success means getting your mindset right

I’m on a mission. Maybe you are too. Maybe there’s something you want so bad you can taste it. That might be a weight loss goal. It might be an ideal relationship. You could be striving for a revenue goal or promotion. Whatever you want, you increase your chances of getting it if you plan to succeed.

Senator Square: Into the 'Depps' of Winterfest at Carson High School

Winterfest 2018 is here, and the theme is “Into the Depps of Winterfest"— as in Johnny Depp — with a week stuffed full of fun activities. Depp says, “I think the thing to do is to enjoy the ride while you’re on it” and this is what Carson High School students intend to do all week long.

Carson High School Winterfest candidates announced

CARSON CITY — The 2018 Winterfest kicked off Thursday afternoon with an assembly, and Carson High School is pleased to announce the student-elected candidates.

What Works: Just get it done!

My column is late this week. And, you know what? It’s OK. It’s OK because done is better than not at all. It’s OK because I can get out of my head long enough to forgive myself for how busy I have been. And, guess what else? It’s OK for you to just get things done too.

Senator Square: Senior Lyric Untereiner starts new support group at CHS

A new club, and possibly a lifelong career for senior Lyric Untereiner, is starting at Carson High School.

Carson City developer donates $25,000 to WNC auto restoration class students

Carson City developer Garth Richards’ passion as an auto collector and restorer has again touched the Automotive Mechanics program at Western Nevada College.

What Works: Your patterns are trying to tell you something

Ok. So, I am a bit early for Groundhog Day. But, if you read this column, maybe your can crack the code to one of your patterns by then. A life pattern is nothing more than a message for you to pay attention to. I will give you an example from my own life.

Overdose reporting now in effect in Nevada

CARSON CITY — Emergency regulations aimed at curbing opioid abuse in Nevada took effect Friday when the Division of Public and Behavioral Health filed the regulations with the Secretary of State to comply with Assembly Bill 474, also known as the Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act.

Governor Sandoval to recognize, honor U.S. Army veteran for selfless service, volunteer work

Event Date: 
January 23, 2018 - 9:30am

U.S. Army veteran David Meeker has proven himself an able leader and willing volunteer, supporting Nevada's military members and fellow veterans. That is why he was chosen to receive the Veteran of the Month award and honor.

What Works: Forget resolutions, set a focus word for this year

I used to be the resolution girl. I would set no more than three resolutions each year. I’d break the first the same month, the second in February, and the third by March. I always felt a little bad about breaking my resolutions. But everyone was breaking theirs. So, there was sort of a permission to it. A few years ago, I started a new tradition. I threw resolutions out the window and instead starting using a focus word.

What Works: Celebrate Simple Pleasures Today and Every Day

It’s Christmas Day! This morning, I woke up and did a short video about what matters today and every day. This is a holiday filled with grand gestures. However, to me, it’s not the grand gestures we should strive for every day. It’s the simple pleasures of life that spread the spirit of joy, giving, peace, and love year-round.

I Love Carson City’s Christmas Weekend Event Summary: Dec. 23 - 25

Event Date: 
December 23, 2017 (All day)
December 24, 2017 (All day)

If you’re anything like me, there are still plenty of last-minute preparations for the holiday. Luckily the shops and businesses around Carson City are there with open arms. Find something one of a kind at the Carson Mall Craft Fair, drop it off at the Rainbow Girls Assembly #7 gift wrapping booth, and grab lunch while you wait. Breakfast with Santa at the Fox Brewpub serves as a toy drive for area kids and as no-fuss way to get start the day with a full belly. Read on for a weekend full of holiday happenings.


New law effective Jan. 1 aims to curb opioid abuse in the Silver State

CARSON CITY — Gov. Brian Sandoval and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services announced an important reminder Friday that the provisions of Assembly Bill 474, the Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act, will go into effect January 1, 2018.

WNC engineering students contribute to Puerto Rico hurricane relief effort

Students in an engineering design class at Western Nevada College in Carson City decided to use the knowledge and skills they’ve honed by creating and designing water purification and filtration system prototypes that could be deployed to Puerto Rico as it recovers following Hurricane Maria

Carson City, Lyon and Douglas schools rated above and below standards in state report card

Nevada's school performance report card was released Thursday with three Carson City schools, three Douglas County schools, and two Lyon County schools earning above-the-standards recognition in the freshly released Nevada School Performance Framework data.

30-Year Tradition: Rainbow Girls host Christmas gift wrap operation at Carson Mall

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Sun Dec 24 2017 .
December 16, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 17, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 18, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 19, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 20, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 21, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 22, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 23, 2017 - 10:00am
Event Date: 
December 24, 2017 - 10:00am

The Rainbow Girls will hold their annual Christmas gift wrap operation at the Carson Mall in Carson City Dec. 16-24. Bring your gifts to us and we will wrap them with love and care. This is our yearly fundraiser and a appropriate donation for the size and amount of gifts is requested. We are located at the South end of the mall outside of JoAnn's.

Wednesday, Dec. 13: Things to do in Carson City

Event Date: 
December 13, 2017 (All day)

Welcome to Wednesday. If you haven’t had a chance to tell Ole’ Nick what you’d like to see under the tree, then wander over to Red’s Old 395 for a complementary picture and a moment on his lap. See what our local crafters and artisans have to offer at the Christmas Craft Show inside Carson Mall. It’s karaoke night at Caterpillar’s Hookah Lounge for those over 18. Families with younger ones will be interested in the Polar Express playing on the big screen at the Galaxy Theater.


Congress—Pass a Tax Cut

Christmas is just around the corner. For small businesses, it is officially the start of the make-or-break holiday shopping season. And this year, passing a tax bill would give small business owners much to be thankful for.

Lawmakers are running low on time to pass a new 25 percent tax rate for small businesses—the largest tax cut in generations, as President Trump often says.

As a small business owner and lawmaker at the state level, my message to Washington is simple: Get the job done. Small business deserves it, voters want it, and the economy needs it.

What Works: 3 Types of Confidence and How to Authentically Use Them

Last night, I had a moment to get quiet with myself and do some research. This research led me down the path of learning three types of confidence from a relationship expert named Matthew Hussey. Hussey has been all over the world teaching relationship psychology.

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