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Carson City Board of Supervisors

Carson City Justice of the Peace applications sought by Board of Supervisors

Applications for the position of Carson City Justice of the Peace / Municipal Court Judge are being accepted through Feb. 11 by the Board of Supervisors. The position is to fill the vacancy created by retiring judge Robey Willis whose last day is March 12.

Applications will be available for downloading from the City’s website at www.carson.org or may be obtained in person from the City Manager’s Office, 201 N. Carson Street, Suite 2.

School board to discuss solar project changes, issuance of bonds

A decision last week by the Carson City Board of Supervisors to change plans for a proposed solar panel project at Eagle Valley Middle School will likely top discussion among school board members when they meet Tuesday.

The Carson City School District board meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 East William Street.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors at 8:30 a.m.

Catch the live video here. The agenda is here.

Carson City Board of Supervisors looking to buy new 911 system

The Carson City Board of Supervisors will be considering the purchase of a new 911 telephone system at their next scheduled meeting on Thursday, Jan. 20, at the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center.

Also on the agenda will be appointing a replacement for retiring Justice of the Peace Robey Willis, and filling an empty spot on the planning commission.

The full agenda is here.

Nugget Project: Land transferred in advance of supervisors' decision

Land slated for the Carson City Center/Nugget Project has been transfered from the ownership of Carson Nugget Inc. to the Mae B. Adams Trust, in preparation for a decision on the project by the Carson City Board of Supervisors.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors at 8:30 a.m. (updated)

Check out the live video here. The agenda is here.


  • The board turned down the appeal by residents of the placement of solar panels at Seeliger Elementary School.
  • Supervisor Shelly Aldean was appointed to chair the city's Redevelopment Authority, with Supervisor Karen Abowd appointed as vice chair. Aldean will continue to serve as mayor pro tem and on the Tahoe Regional Planing Agency board, where she is vice chair.

Carson City Supervisors to hear appeal of solar panel project

The Carson City Board of Supervisors will hear an appeal of the planning commission's decision to allow ground-mounted solar panels to be placed near Seeliger Elementary School, at the board's first meeting of the new year on Thursday, Jan. 6.

The board will also hear from the city's finance director about the condition of each fund in the treasury, as well as a making appointments to city committees.

Carson City looking to change redevelopment tax incentives

The generous deal that the Carson City Board of Supervisors made with the Southgate Center to bring in Big Lots, Big 5 and Olive Garden caused some waves among other businesses in town, who complained they didn't get the same terms for their redevelopment incentives.

This has led the city to consider increasing the incentives to other businesses to match those given to Southgate.

Carson City Greenhouse Project breaks ground

A year-round supply of fresh leafy greens and other nutritious foods has been the wish of Penny Reynolds, culinary arts director for Carson High School. And now those hopes will soon come to be as The Greenhouse Project, a community-based greenhouse and garden, takes root in Carson City.

A ground-breaking ceremony held on Friday marks the beginning of a project that many believe will be a model for Carson City, the state of Nevada and the nation. Construction will begin next week.

Nugget Project: Report delayed while city works to resolve parking, hotel, business incubator issues

At the end of today's Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting, city manager Larry Werner said that he has city staff working out answers to questions raised about the Nugget Project before forwarding it to the board.

Werner noted that questions about the location of the parking garage and hotel/conference center portions of the project were raised at the last citizens advisory committee meeting, and he wanted resolve those questions before sending it to the board.

Greenhouse Project groundbreaking

After three years of planning, designing and fundraising, The Greenhouse Project will take root in Carson City with a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, December 3 at Carson High School.

Citizen at-large seats open on Carson City audit committee

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from individuals who may be interested in voluntarily serving as a citizen at-large member of its Audit Committee.

There are two vacancies for terms that will expire in December 2012. The Citizens at-Large positions for appointment should have experience in financial services, public accounting, and/or governmental auditing, and current knowledge of public laws and regulations governing an audit committee.

Nugget Project: I'll trade you some land for a parking garage

One point I think you could get all sides of the debate over the Carson City Center/Nugget Project to agree on is that it's a very complicated deal.

But after spending a good deal of time looking at the newly released feasibility study for this project, it struck me that it's really not that complicated. If you strip away all the extraneous issues about the land leases and who is paying who, it comes down to a simple trade.

It boils down to this: the Carson Nugget is giving the city a piece of land to build a new library and public plaza. In return, the city is building the Nugget a new parking garage for its casino and future hotel/conference center.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors at 10 a.m.

A special Tuesday meeting of the board, with its newest member John McKenna. The live video is here, and the agenda is here.

Carson City Supervisors to approve election results today

The Carson City Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting today at noon to approve the canvas of results from last week's election.

At the board's next regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 16, it will vote to appoint John McKenna to fill the remaining term of Supervisor Pete Livermore, who resigned last week after winning his election for Nevada Assembly District 40.

The board will also tackle funding for the downtown ice rink and holiday events, and the approval of a grant application for federal funds to support the proposed City Center/Nugget Project.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors at 8:30 a.m.

You can see the live video here. See the agenda here.

Pete Livermore wins over Robin Williamson in Nevada Assembly District 40 race

Carson City Republican Pete Livermore has won the Nevada Assembly District 40 race against Democrat Robin Williamson, costing the party a crucial seat against Republican Governor-elect Brian Sandoval.

Livermore received 51.42 percent of the vote in Carson City and within a sliver of Washoe Valley. Williamson had 48.58 percent of the vote.

"I'm humbled and grateful that so many have shown trust for me," Livermore said. "I'm eager to get started so we can get people back to work."

Seats open for Carson City Cultural Commission, River Advisory

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from individuals who may be interested in serving on the Carson City Cultural Commission and the Carson River Advisory Committee.

For the Cultural Commission there are two positions open for "citizen at large" that are three-year terms that expire January 2014.

Study: Events center, hotel feasible for Nugget Project

The Appeal's Brian Duggan has a story that a new study commissioned by the Nugget Project developer shows a hotel and events center could be feasible and lure convention business to Carson City.

This seems to conflict with P3 Development's presentation to the citizens advisory committee last month, where the developer said the hotel would not be feasible for at least five years.

Legal opinion released on Carson City Board of Supervisors election vacancy

Back in August, I wrote about a conversation I had with DA Neil Rombardo about how the election could change the composition of the Carson City Board of Supervisors.

Carson City Supervisors approve funding for ice rink

The Carson City Board of Supervisors today approved $106,255 plus a 5 percent contingency to fund the Arlington Square ice rink for the coming season.

Parks and Recreation Director Roger Moellendorf said they are looking at leasing to own the ice rink equipment this year, thus reducing the cost for future years, and the contingency was requested to account for the additional costs.

The item was originally discussed two weeks ago and postponed because the supervisors preferred the ice rink be funded through redevelopment funds rather than the general fund.

Ice rink back on Carson City supervisors agenda

The Arlington Square ice rink will be back on the agenda for the Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting Thursday starting at 8:30 a.m.

The ice rink issue was postponed two weeks ago so the city staff could present the project to be funded by redevelopment funds instead of though the city's general fund.

We will have the live video of the meeting here. The agenda is here.

Carson City Arts and Culture Coalition Candidate Night

Click here for live video. The event began at 6:30 p.m.

Tonight's forum feature candidates for Carson City Board of Supervisors and the Carson City School Board. Candidates include Karen Abowd, Rob Joiner, John McKenna and Day Williams for Board of Supervisors, and Ron Swirczek, Julie Bushner, Barbara Meyers and Randy Carlson for school board.

Ice rink improves Carson City's quality of life

(Editor's note: The following was presented to the Carson City Board of Supervisors during public comments at the Oct. 7 meeting by Star Anderson, General Manager, Carson Nugget)

Carson City Arts and Culture Coalition Candidate Night

The Carson City Arts and Culture Coalition is sponsoring a forum for local candidates running for office on Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St. The forum is free and open to the public.

Carson City Assembly Race Key For Democrats, Republicans For 2011 Legislative Session

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – The neighborhoods of this capital city and the Washoe Valley just to the north are ground zero for one of the most fiercely contested state legislative races in Nevada this year.
Potentially at stake is the makeup of the 42-member Assembly and whether Democrats can sustain their dominance of the lower house with a 28-member, veto-proof majority.

Carson City Supervisors delay ice rink decision for two weeks

The Carson City Board of Supervisors voted to delay a decision on funding the downtown ice rink to give staff the time to work out details for having the funding come from redevelopment funds instead of the general fund.

At today's Board meeting, Supervisor Shelly Aldean made the motion to send the issue back to staff, commenting earlier that, "It gives me heartburn to fund this out of the general fund."

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