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Carson City Board of Supervisors

City seeks applicants for Parks and Recreation Commission

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Carson City Parks and Recreation Commission. The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Commission is to advise the Board of Supervisors on the use of city parks and protect the right of all Carson City residents to enjoy the parks system.

There are four (4) open positions for a four (4) year term that expires January 2016.

Applicants sought for International Building Code Board of Appeals

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from individuals interested in serving on The Board of Appeals in the following categories:


The applicant (depending on the category or if in business for themselves), may need a business license to do business in Carson City. This Board provides advice on matters involving the building codes and the fire codes in Carson City. Each position is for a two (2) year term that will expire January 2014.

Carson City free daily news summary for Nov. 18

There is supposed to be a story here about a man being tried in the beating death of a boy, but instead the story is about a local family finalizing the adoptions of three of their 21 children. The full story about that family is here.


The Carson City Board of Supervisors approved a plan to allow the Jump Around Carson bus service to place advertising on its bus shelters to earn extra revenue. The plan comes with some restrictions, such as limiting the size of ads and not allowing them in historic districts.


Occupy Carson City held an impromptu demonstration in front of the legislature, coinciding with nationwide protests.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors, 8:30 a.m.

Carson City Board of Supervisors to discuss sign ordinance

A light agenda is in store for the Carson City Board of Supervisors at their next meeting on Nov. 17.

The board will hear first reading of an ordinance to allow billboards to be placed on existing and future transit shelters.

Carson River Park Closed For Construction

On Oct. 20, the Carson City Board of Supervisors awarded a contract to Horizon Construction, Inc. for various improvements to Carson River Park, located on Carson River Road at Lloyd’s Bridge. The construction is scheduled to begin on Monday, Nov. 7, and will take approximately three months to complete, depending on the weather.

Carson City free daily news summary for Nov. 4

Look outside! It's the first snow of the year. Hopefully everyone's winter driving skills aren't too rusty. Be careful out there.

Here is the news summary for today:

  • Carson City Board of Supervisors approved a resolution accepting $539,989 in funding for the Health Department to set up billing for immunizations. The money comes from the U.S. Center for Disease Control, and will be used to pay for one part-time and three full-time employees. They will be responsible for creating a strategic plan to implement billing within Nevada local health departments.
  • The Board also approved funding allocations of approximately $1,975,106 to Douglas County and $1,625,422 to Washoe County from the voter-approved State Question 1 for the Tahoe Bike Path and allocated to Douglas County, Washoe County and Carson City.
  • Those who remember the old Woody's Cafe on the south side of town will be happy to hear there will be a new restaurant in that location called the Red Hut Cafe, opening in December. Anyone who has been to South Lake Tahoe in the last 50 years might recognize the name. Red Hut Cafe has been a local's tradition at the lake since 1959. There are now three Red Hut Cafe locations in South Shore, plus an ice cream parlor.
  • The Carson Senators (7-1, 7-0) play Reno High (6-3, 6-2) tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Carson. This is the final regular season game for the Senators, as they try to secure the top seed in the 4A playoffs.
  • A man charged with accidentally killing his roommate in Brunswick Canyon has agreed to plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter. Anthony Kelich, 60, shot his roommate in the face with a rifle while they and one other man had been shooting at targets while drinking off of Sedge Road. Guns and alcohol don't mix.

Carson City issues proclamation for Hindu festival of 'Diwali'

Carson City issued a proclamation on November three “recognizing the religious and historical significance of the festival of Diwali.” Mayor Robert L. Crowell read the proclamation in the meeting of Carson City Board of Supervisors and then presented it to Hindu statesman Rajan Zed.

Applications being accepted for Regional Transporation Commission

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Regional Transportation Commission. The RTC is the policy making body on transportation issues within Carson City who's purpose is to establish priorities and recommend appropriate funding for transportation improvement projects. The members of the Regional Transportation Committee also serve on the Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Board to discuss and take action on federal monies spent on transportation and transit projects within the Carson Metropolitan Planning Area.

Members sought for Carson City Cultural Commission

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from individuals who may be interested in serving on the Carson City Cultural Commission in the following categories:


There are two positions open for a three (3) year term that expires January 2015.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors

Update: The meeting will resume at 4 p.m.

You can catch the live video feed here, and the agenda is here. You can also join the discussion by going to the live video page and clicking on the comment tab underneath the video, or posting to Twitter with hashtag #ccsupes.

Community Land Trust Seeking Applications To Own Affordable Home

The Carson City Board of Supervisors recently awarded a residential lot in Carson City to the Sierra Nevada Community Land Trust (SNCLT).

Carson City election results certified

The Carson City Board of Supervisors on Monday certified the results of the 2nd Congressional District special election in a brief special meeting.Clerk-Recorder Alan Glover told the board that jus...

Carson City Supervisors vote to proceed with Nugget Project

The Carson City Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 tonight to move forward with the $49 million Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

You can see the live blog coverage here.

The motion to proceed to the next step of this controversial development included a commitment by the city of $11.3 million in redevelopment funds, $12 million to come from recently increased landfill fees, and a one-time expenditure of $500,000 from the city's utility fund.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is meeting now. The live video is here, and the agenda is here. During the evening session at 5:30 p.m., the board will take up the Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

Nugget Project 2.0: My, what a long way we've come

It's been almost two years since I first heard about the Nugget Project.

Back then, the plan was very vague, a public-private partnership that could add up to $90 million. The city's part of this project would be a 1/8th cent sales tax increase and money from the redevelopment fund equaling approximately $25 million.

Supervisors to decide whether City Center Project dies or flies

Whether the City Center Project will move forward or die will be decided Thursday when the Carson City Board of Supervisors meets.City staff is recommending approval of the $49.6 million project ba...

Board of Supervisors to vote on proceeding with Nugget Project

Event Date: 
September 15, 2011 (All day)

The Carson City Board of Supervisors will vote Thursday evening on whether to move forward with the revamped City Center/Nugget Project.

An evening session of their regular bi-monthly meeting is planned to discuss the $50 million project, of which $23.7 million would come from the city.

The agenda (attached below) makes reference to "a public commitment to the project of a 1/8th-cent sales tax

Seeking volunteer for Carson City Airport Authority board

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from persons interested in serving approximately ten to sixteen hours per month on the Carson City Airport Authority. The Airport Authority is a 7 member board that oversees all matters pertaining to the Carson City airport.

There is a position open for a four year term that will expire 10/2015. The Board of Supervisors will interview and appoint qualified persons to the board. There is one opening:

Pilot: Must own and operate an aircraft based at the Carson City airport

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors at 8:30 a.m.

The live video feed is here, and the agenda is here. One of the issues will be the Carson City Ghost Walk's second attempt to get funding, and a proposed increase in landfill rates.

Nugget Project 2.0: Possible option would negate need for increasing sales tax

Now that the new Carson City Center/Nugget Project plans have answered many of the concerns of critics, one of the last big issues is the 1/8th cent increase in the sales tax to help fund the project.

But that may also be going away, replaced by fees collected from those dumping trash at the Carson City Landfill.

Carson City Supervisors kill Ghost Walk funding

A quick update from today's Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting: The Carson City Ghost Walk, which provides entertaining tours of the city's historical district, failed to get enough votes to approve $12,000 in city redevelopment funds to continue the tours. The funding required four of the five supervisors to vote in favor, but it only received three votes.

First glance: New Nugget Project plan

Taking a look at the new plans for the Carson City Center/Nugget Project, there are several new things that stick out.

First, the announcement that partnership with P3 Development has been terminated because they could not come to an agreement. It was revealed earlier this summer that the the project partners switched architects because they weren't happy with what they were getting from P3. But now it seems P3 is out of the picture entirely. Not only was P3 slated to build the project, but it was supposed to handle the financing.

Nugget Project committee to discuss new plan on Aug. 8

The Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee will meet Aug. 8 for possible action to recommend a "simplified and restructured program plan" to the Carson City Board of Supervisors for the Carson City Center Project, AKA Nugget Project.

The new plan calls for the formation of a not-for-profit entity that would take over ownership of the project.

Following is the agenda item for the meeting:

Carson City Board of Supervisors consider rate, fee hikes

When they meet Thursday, members of the Carson City Board of Supervisors will take on a number of proposed rate hikes which are needed to pay for utility projects and offset the cost of services pa...

Contract awarded for east-west water transmission main

A light agenda Thursday for the Carson City Board of Supervisors resulted in only five actions being taken, including the awarding of a $3.5 million contract to A&K Earth Movers to install the city...

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors at 8:30 a.m.

You can catch the live video here. The agenda is here.

Officials to set number of building permits

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is scheduled to set the number of residential building permits for 2012 and 2013 when it meets Thursday.The board is required annually to establish the number o...

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