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Three years and walking, Carson City group remains dedicated to our troops

As we go about our business after work on Fridays, celebrating the end of the week, about 30 people clad in red t-shirts and carrying American flags have gathered for three years running to walk down Carson Street in support of our American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I first met Mike McElfish, organizer of the Friday Red Shirt Walk, in September 2008 after he helped coordinate a similar walk in memory of Army Sgt. Timothy Smith of South Lake Tahoe who was killed by an improvised explosive device in Baghdad on April 7, 2008.

Carson Lanes Daycare and Preschool

Carson Lanes Daycare & Preschool now accepting enrollments. This brand new, state of the art facility is State Licensed and Insured, and open to the General Public. ENROLL NOW THROUGH JULY 4TH, AND RECEIVE $20 OFF YOUR FIRST WEEK OF ENROLLMENT, PLUS, WE WILL WAIVE THE $25.00 REGISTRATION FEE!! We offer a state of the art, brand new, child centered, SUPER CLEAN, multi-age facility offering hands on, age appropriate experiences, every day life skills, dramatic play areas, writing center, self directed activities, soft rubber/foam play yard, and much, much more!!


4600 Snyder Ave
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 283-4365

Carson City men face multiple drug charges after meth and pills found

Two Carson City men, one who is reportedly a former police officer, face drug charges after methamphetamine and pills were discovered late Thursday night.

John Logan Christopher, 29, faces felony charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine for sale, possession of prescription drugs without a prescription, possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bail has been set at $11,264. Kameron Mariolo, 24, faces a charge of possession of a controlled substance. His bail has been set at $2,500.

FDIC: Reno-based Nevada Security Bank fails, Oregon Umpqua Bank to take over

Reno-based Nevada Security Bank, with three Reno branches and an administrative office, an Incline Village branch, and a Roseville, Calif., branch were closed Friday by the Nevada Financial Institutions Division, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver.

Carson City deputies arrest Reno man after stop yields warrant and methamphetamine

A Reno man faces multiple charges including a felony warrant for writing bad checks and possessing methamphetamine, after being stopped late Tuesday night.
Launie Merritt, 29, was stopped by Carson City deputies after his red Toyota came back with suspended registration. According to the arrest report, Merritt gave deputies his brother's name and date of birth when questioned and in a subsequent search of his wallet, he was in possession of a prison identification card with his correct name and date of birth.

Child care center opens at Carson Lanes in Carson City

A nice photo gallery and story can be found today at aroundcarson.com announcing the opening of the daycare and learning center at Carson Lanes Retail Center.
This state-licensed child care center is available for 38 children from ages infant to 5 years of age. Director Kassie Shepard has more than 15 years experience in the childcare field working and specializes in infants and toddlers.

Nugget Project: A look at the lease numbers

While the Carson City Board of Supervisors are on track to ante up $75,000 this week to move the Nugget Project to the next phase, I'm finding that the more I dig into the details, the more the numbers don't seem to add up.

Specifically, I'm looking into part of the project that calls for getting three state agencies to lease space in this proposed 177,000 square foot development in downtown Carson City. I use the word "proposed" in a very loose sense here, since it's likely to change once P3 Development begins the real process of feasibility planning for this project. In fact, as I am writing this, there's a new story out from Northern Nevada Business Weekly quoting the developer that the office portion would be 175,000 square feet, with an additional 50,000 square feet of retail space, to go along with the 60,000 square feet for the library/business incubator/digital media lab portion of the project.

Nugget Project: Meet the developer (updated)

The developer chosen for the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Project will be on hand tonight to answer questions about the project.

Rick Oshinski, CEO of Sacramento-based P3 Development, will appear before the Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee tonight in the Community Center's Sierra Room.

Carson Now plans to show live video of the meeting, as well as hosting a discussion forum.

Many questions are sure to arise, concerning the details on the project and its scope, as well as the developer and how the company was chosen.

As I've been talking to people about this project, I've collected a number of questions, that I put together below.

More Nugget Project nuggets uncovered

The Nevada Appeal has uncovered a few new tidbits about Nugget Project consultant Mark Lewis.

Following the piece I wrote on Lewis this week, the Appeal found a grand jury report dealing with Lewis' big project developments as city manager of Stockton, Calif. The report showed that costs associated with development of the the Stockton ballpark and events center swelled from an estimate of $75 million to more than $120 million, and placed the blame for this on Lewis and the lack of oversight by the city's elected officials.

Charges, Countercharges Fly Between Martin and Marshall in Race for State Treasurer

CARSON CITY – Nevada GOP state treasurer candidate Steve Martin and Democrat incumbent Treasurer Kate Marshall engaged in a war of words this week over her management of the office for which she is seeking a second term.

Nevada Officials Discuss Race to the Top Pitfalls, Express Approval

Nevada is preparing to compete in round two of the federal Race to the Top grant program. Only two states that applied, Tennessee and Delaware, received funding from the first phase of the competition.

Las Vegas Chamber Study Concludes Nevada Students Are Below National Averages on Achievement Tests

CARSON CITY – A study showing how well Nevada’s students perform on achievement tests, released today by the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, concludes they fare no better than mid-range, and often well below, students in other states.

Nevada Higher Education Representatives Assess Cuts

Last week, the Nevada Board of Regents held a meeting in what marks the beginning of nine weeks of discussion on how to further reduce their budgets to adjust for the 6.9 percent cut in funding agreed upon by Nevada Legislators during the special session in February.

News Carson City Closing Down

News Carson City merges with Carson Now

The staff of Carson Now would like to officially welcome the readers of News Carson City. Dave Morgan started News Carson City as a cable access channel in 1994, and the NewsCarsonCity.com website in 2005. Through his tireless work, he built a great local news alternative.

News Carson City is moving to Carson Now

Dear News Carson City readers,

Me and Bobby McGee" Saturday, February 27, 8: -11:pm at Plan B Cabaret Lounge

FDIC Shuts down Carson River Community Bank

Carson River Community Bank in Carson City was closed today by the Nevada Department of Business and Industry, Financial Institutions Division, which appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatio

Editorial: Nugget Project: No new answers. Only more questions.

Editorial by Dave Morgan

An article in the Nevada Appeal this morning attempts to get new information from the Nugget Project’s “go to guy,” Steve Neighbors. Neighbors, who is now the owner of the Nugget, is quoted as saying that the project still lacks a developer to shoulder the “private industry” half of the project. That’s about all that’s new from Neighbors, that they STILL don’t have a private partner.

Two names, one author in “Candyland”

Comment on Capt. Bob White running for Sheriff by Ethics

Really? are you kidding me. This man wants to be the next Sheriff of our town and he says “UM” 42 times and “YA KNOW” 29!!! Mr..

Carson area latinos rally for immigration reform

(Click image to play video)
Several hundred latinos gathered at the Fuji Park Exhibit Hall this week to take part in a nationwide letter writing campaign to the Congress.

Carson City Freeway beautification information meeting

Tuesday, January 19, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Comment on Senator Reid said near-Universal Health Care is just weeks away from becoming law by Dave Morgan

Well, as a minor addition to the aforegoing discussion, these days a reporter can be anyone who keeps a diary.

Comment on Las Vegas shooting victim identified by dIRTYdUBYA

The writing is on the wall. My hearts goes out to the slain officer’s family. Times are rough and people are getting tired of being walked on by the higher-up.

"Three Cups of Tea," by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

Sometimes you come across a book that explains all the things we are doing wrong in Afghanistan and Iraq and you wonder why all those brain trusts in the White House and Pentagon hadn’t picked upon it

Life in Carson: The belated farewell column

When I left my newspaper job in September after 15 years with the same company, I wrote a farewell column.

Letter to the Editor writing help

Event Date: 
Repeats every week until Fri Jan 29 2010 .

Kirk Caraway is graciously donating his time every Friday at the Democratic Headquarters at 111 Telegraph from 1-2pm teaching writing letters to the Editor and Op/Ed Column writing tips and tricks.

Teachers offered deals Saturday at Staples

The first 100 teachers visiting the Staples store at 915 Jacks Valley Road on Teacher Appreciation Day today from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., will receive an EcoEasy bag of supplies such as notepads and writing tools.

Jim Rogers leaves his mark on universities

LAS VEGAS - Jim Rogers started speaking his mind early, writing editorials in 1956 for the campus newspaper at Las Vegas High School.

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