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Victorian homes

Carson City honored as Top True Western Town by True West Magazine

Carson City was a 19th century hub for mining, transportation and more. It was the place where a young Samuel Clemens began his literary career, and where his nom de plume Mark Twain was first revealed. Carson City was as Old West as they came.

Romney at Politics 33 1/3

The delightfully great and fresh gossip from a New York Fundraiser that Mitt Romney may yet try again to be our lected president delights every Democrat with their thinking cap on. Mr. Romney ran a weak kneed campaign a couple years ago-but at least he picked a better running mate than Senator McCain-(remember Sarah Palin-the glib attractive charmer who could not answer that very tough question: "what do you like to read?"

Women to Women Nevada with Doreen Mack

This week's guest on Women to Women Nevada is Doreen Mack of Carson City who discusses with hostess Carol Paz, among other things, downtown Carson City parking issues, creating a historic downtown, some local history and her own interior decorating business, Lofty Expressions.

Friends in Low Places Carson City Cemetery Tour

Friendly ghosts will lead tours along Carson City’s historic Kit Carson Trail offering tales of the city’s haunted Victorian homes and buildings along two different routes. The “Friends in Low Places” guided cemetery tour is a new addition to the annual festivities, Oct. 22 - 23.

Sugar Plum Victorian Christmas Tour

Sunday, December 6, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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