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social distancing

Stay healthy, connected: NDOT reminds Nevadans to 'Walk and Roll Wednesdays'

CARSON CITY, Nev. — The Nevada Department of Transportation is reminding families to take part in “Walk and Roll Wednesdays” to give socially-distanced Nevadans opportunity for healthy and fun outdoor activity.

Nevada auto dealers donate $100,000 to COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

In an effort to help support the state’s healthcare workers and first responders, the Nevada Franchised Auto Dealers Association and its southern chapter, Southern Nevada Franchised New Car & Truck Dealer Association, have donated a combined $100,000 to the state’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.

Old Fashion Classic Car Cruise featured Saturday in Carson City

Event Date: 
May 2, 2020 - 12:00pm

If you miss the car show season, now is your chance to see some beautiful classics. The Dayton Valley Car Club is having a social distancing, old fashioned cruise up and down Carson Street in Carson City on Saturday, May 2 between noon and 1 p.m.

Greenhouse Project's Carson City Mother's Day plant sale re-imagined with pre-orders, distribution

Event Date: 
May 2, 2020 (All day)
May 3, 2020 (All day)
May 4, 2020 (All day)
May 5, 2020 (All day)
May 6, 2020 (All day)

The Greenhouse Project hosts the Social Distancing Plant Sale, a re-imagined continuation of its annual Mother’s Day Plant Sale, with all plants available by pre-order only, by phone and email.

Air Guard to fly over Northern Nevada, Tahoe area hospitals Tuesday to recognize COVID-19 battles

The Nevada Air Guard High Rollers will be honoring the men and women in healthcare who are battling COVID-19 by doing a flyover of Northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe area hospitals with a C-130 on Tuesday, April 28, 2020.

Nevada child services urges public vigilance as reporting incidents drop in suspected child abuse and neglect

About 75 percent of suspected child abuse and neglect reports in Nevada are made by mandated reporters. In March 2020, Nevada saw a 14 percent decrease in suspected child abuse and neglect reports which includes a 46 percent decrease in reports made by educational personnel.

Senator Square: Love letter to Carson High School students

Editor’s Note: This week's guest writer is Bridget Gordon-Johnson. She is a counselor at Carson High School. This is her report.

Staying connected to students, virtually, is the biggest challenge every educator is facing right now. Teachers, paraprofessionals, school counselors, administrators, school secretaries, custodians, and everyone for that matter is missing the energy and life students bring to our worlds.

Carson City, Quad-County COVID-19 update Saturday: 7 new cases, 1 recovery

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center in Carson City reports Saturday of seven new positive cases and one additional recovery of COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. This brings the total number of cases to 82, with 28 recoveries and one death, 53 cases remain active.

Quad-County COVID-19 Update: Three New Cases and Two Recoveries brings total cases to 75

(Carson City, NV)- Quad-County Emergency Operations Center (Quad EOC) is reporting three new positive cases and two additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. This brings the total number of cases to 75, with 27 recoveries and one death, 47 cases remain active.

The new cases are:

A female Carson City resident in her 40’s
A female Lyon County resident in her 50’s
A female Douglas County resident in her 30’s

Thursday's COVID-19 Quad County health report: 2 new Carson City cases, 2 in Lyon County

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center in Carson City is reporting Thursday that there are 4 new positive cases of COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. This brings the total number of cases to 72, with 25 recoveries and one death, 46 cases remain active.

Carson City woman in her 70s is first COVID-19 related death in region, health officials say

The Carson City area, Quad-County Emergency Operations Center reports Wednesday the first death due to COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. The individual was a female Carson City resident in her 70’s with underlying health conditions.

Carson City superintendent update: Remote teaching to continue through June 3

In response to Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s announcement to extend the “Distance Learning” directive through the remainder of the school year, the Carson City School District will fall in compliance and continue with Remote Learning for teachers and students through June 3, 2020.

Nevada school buildings won't reopen for remainder 2019-20 school year

Gov. Steve Sisolak announced Tuesday that Nevada school buildings will remain closed through the end of the 2019-20 school year. Districts and charter schools with approved Emergency Programs of Distance Education are expected to continue to offer learning opportunities to all students through the previously scheduled end of the school year as determined by local calendars.

Carson City, Quad County COVID-19 Tuesday update: 2 new cases, 6 recoveries

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center in Carson City is reporting Tuesday night that there are 2 new positive cases and 6 additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. This brings the total number of cases to 63, with 24 recoveries, 39 cases remain active.

Nevada Governor: Business reopening can begin when state meets health benchmarks

Gov. Steve Sisolak will extend the state’s shutdown order to an as-yet undetermined date and close schools for the rest of the academic year, but he will allow some businesses to reopen if the state sees a consistent downward trajectory of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.

Gardening, planting and renewal: Carsonites can celebrate 50th Earth Day while social distancing

If there’s one thing that could be considered a positive during the mandated quarantine, it’s that nature is becoming a lot happier. From the return of dolphins in Venice, to the return of wildlife in Yosemite, and a lack of air pollution all around, Earth Day this year is certain to be a memorable one.

Leadership Carson City 2020 celebrates Arbor Day by planting trees along bee hotel trail

Each spring, the Carson City Chamber Leadership Institute Class is fully immersed in their class project. This time last year, the Class of 2019 was as busy as bees preparing the land behind the Carson Tahoe Cancer Center to build the city’s first bee hotel hoping to attract bees to pollinate The Greenhouse Project plants.

Carson City, Quad County COVID-19 briefing Monday: 3 new recoveries, no new cases

The Quad County Emergency Operations Center in Carson City reports Monday, April 20 that there are 3 additional recoveries and no new positive cases of COVID-19 in the Quad-County region. The total number of cases remains at 61, with 18 recoveries, 43 cases remain active.

Assembly Republican Caucus: Now is the time to start process of reopening Nevada

The Assembly Republican Caucus addressed its plan Monday to reopen Nevada, proposing a framework, establishing a regional plan and a bi-partisan task force to advise on a strategy. It calls for Nevada to join the California, Oregon and Washington Western States Pact; establish a regional plan to modify Nevada’s stay at home orders and the caucus wants to immediately establish a curbside model that will allow non-essential retail businesses to open.

Home but Not Alone: Crisis Support Services of Nevada call center offers supportive free resource during COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 has caused increased social distancing and self-isolation, and many Nevadans struggle to cope with the stress and anxiety of the pandemic. These feelings of fear are taking a toll on people’s mental and physical health and well-being.

Find the Carson City Library 'at your place' as part of National Library Week celebration

Event Date: 
Repeats every day until Sat Apr 25 2020 .
April 20, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 21, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 22, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 23, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 24, 2020 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 25, 2020 (All day)

Happening now through April 25 is National Library Week, a time to highlight the valuable role libraries, librarians and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities. This week, the Carson City Library invites all community members to find the library at their place by visiting www.carsoncitylibrary.org to access virtual services and resources.

Nevada Interrupted: Carson City coffee shop owner moves business online, awaits action on federal loans

Many Nevadans are adjusting to the proliferation of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing, stocking up on supplies and staying at home. The Nevada Independent is sharing their stories each day.

Carson City health office Sunday Quad briefing: 2 new Lyon County cases, 4 hospitalized

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center reports Sunday, April 19, 2020 that there are two new positive cases of COVID-19 in the Quad County region. This brings the total number of cases to 61, with 15 recoveries, 46 cases remain active.

Lane closures begin for I-580 sign changes in northern Carson City, Washoe Valley and Reno

Lane closures will take place beginning Monday, April 20 as the Nevada Department of Transportation changes exit numbers on Interstate 580 between northern Carson City and the Reno spaghetti bowl.

Echoes of the past: Exploring the 1918 influenza epidemic in Nevada

The COVID-19 outbreak doesn't represent the first quarantine order implemented in Nevada to combat an infectious disease. Similar to COVID-19, the 1918 Influenza Epidemic spread around the world. The epidemic arrived in Nevada in the spring of 1918 and returned even deadlier in October and November that year before tapering off in the spring of 1919.

Carson City, Quad-County COVID-19 update Saturday: 2 cases, 2 recoveries

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center through Carson City Health and Human Services reports two new positive cases and two recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad County region. As of Saturday, April 18, 2020, there are a total number of cases to 59, with 15 recoveries, 44 cases remain active.

Protest against shut down at Capitol in Carson City ignores social distancing mandate, calls for Nevada to reopen

Hundreds gathered today at the Capitol building in Carson City to protest the shut down in Nevada. Some began at the Capitol building while others gathered at Red’s 395 Grill and marched down Carson Street.

Quad-County COVID-19 Update: Four New Cases and One Recovery brings total cases to 57

Quad-County Emergency Operations Center (Quad EOC) is reporting four new positive cases and one recovery of COVID-19 in the Quad County region. This brings the total number of cases to 57, with 13 recoveries, 44 cases remain active.

The new cases are:

A male Lyon County resident in his 30’s
A male Carson City resident in his 20’s
A female Lyon County resident in her 40’s
A female Lyon County resident in her 40’s

A Public Service Announcement from Your Quad County Elected Officials on COVID 19

Elected Officials from the Quad Counties, Carson City, Douglas, Lyon, and Storey, came together while observing social distancing to speak with the public about their response to COVID-19.

Nevada State Parks asks community to please, stay home

Nevada State Parks and currently following the governor's directive to help stop the spread of COVID-19. They're asking the public to please, stay home, so we can all get through this together.

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