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News Release: Carson City agencies participate in mass fatality exercise

A fire chief, emergency manager; the sheriff; the coroner; a funeral director; the hospital security manager; a sheriff’s chief deputy and a captain, the health director and other health department officials met on Wednesday to assess the community’s ability to handle a critical incident causing numerous deaths.

Incidents resulting in fatalities that exceed the normal operating capacity of the Coroner’s Office are considered mass fatality and would trigger the activation of the Mass Fatality Management Plan.

Gov. Gibbons gives OK to phase out Carson City prison

Nevada Gov. Jim Gibbons approved plans today to phase-out operations at the 650-inmate Nevada State Prison in Carson City.

“It costs taxpayers an extra $4,000 to $6,000 per inmate for prisoners at NSP because the facility is so old and poorly designed,” Gibbons said. “Additionally, NSP is not as safe for prison staff as other facilities.”

Gov. Gibbons Appoints New Member to Nevada Commission On Economic Development

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons today appointed Anthony Dazzio to the Nevada Commission on Economic Development.

Carson City Board of Supervisors approves Nugget development agreement, Fireside building lease

The Carson City Board of Supervisors agreed to move forward with planning for the Carson City Center Project, AKA Nugget Project, allocating $75,000 to the effort.

The vote was 4-1, with Pete Livermore casting the no vote.

The agreement gives P3 Development the funds to come up with a plan over the next 90 days to see if the project is feasible, and what the final outcome would look like. The trust that owns the Carson Nugget is throwing in $75,000, with another $16,000 coming from the Carson City Library.

Marketing analysis

Marketing analysis is a documented investigation of a Market that is used to inform a firm's planning activities particularly around decision of inventory, purchase, work force expansion/contraction, facility expansion, purchases of capital equipment, promotional activities, and many other aspects of a company.

Nevada recognized as leader in energy programs funded with stimulus money

Two Nevada-based programs have been recognized by the federal government for having led the nation in efficiently using at least $18 million in federal stimulus money for energy projects, the Governor's Office has reported.
The Nevada State Office of Energy and the Nevada Housing Division have received letters from the U.S. Department of Energy commending their efforts at leading the nation by quickly and efficiently infusing federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds within Nevada communities. 

Angle Votes to Raise Legislative Pay Confirmed, Spokesperson Calls Lowden Attack Ad “Desperate”

CARSON CITY – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden has a new ad attacking her GOP rival Sharron Angle over her past votes in the Nevada Legislature to raise lawmaker pay as the June 8 primary draws near and early voting is set to begin tomorrow.

Supervisors delay discussion on Nugget project agreement

An action item about an agreement involving the Nugget Project was pulled from the agenda at today's Carson City Board of Supervisors meeting, delaying a decision for two weeks.

The item calls for the city to contribute $75,000 to help fund the development planning for the Nugget redevelopment project. The Hop and Mae Adams Foundation will contribute $75,000, and the Carson City Library will pitch in $16,000.

Live: Carson City Board of Supervisors, 8:30 a.m.

Check out the live video and discussion below. Hot topics include the request for $75,000 to proceed with planning for the Nugget Project, and requests by local businesses and organizations for redevelopment money. The agenda is here.

Nugget Project: City working on a lease-to-own deal for library

Last week, I sat down with Joe McCarthy, head of Carson City's Office of Business Development, and he provided some details about the Nugget Project that I hadn't heard before.

The biggest nugget is that the city is pursuing a 30-year, lease-to-own deal for the proposed library/discovery center and the land it sits on. McCarthy said that is the way the deal with P3 Development for the building will be, and that they are working to get the same deal for the land from the Hop and Mae Adams Foundation.

Nugget Project: A look at the lease numbers

While the Carson City Board of Supervisors are on track to ante up $75,000 this week to move the Nugget Project to the next phase, I'm finding that the more I dig into the details, the more the numbers don't seem to add up.

Specifically, I'm looking into part of the project that calls for getting three state agencies to lease space in this proposed 177,000 square foot development in downtown Carson City. I use the word "proposed" in a very loose sense here, since it's likely to change once P3 Development begins the real process of feasibility planning for this project. In fact, as I am writing this, there's a new story out from Northern Nevada Business Weekly quoting the developer that the office portion would be 175,000 square feet, with an additional 50,000 square feet of retail space, to go along with the 60,000 square feet for the library/business incubator/digital media lab portion of the project.

Nugget project developer to create plan in 90 days

Executives from P3 Development were introduced to the members of the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Advisory Committee tonight, saying they were looking forward to working as partners with Carson City and the Nugget.

For a play-by-play of the meeting, check out the live blog here.

Nugget Project: Meet the developer (updated)

The developer chosen for the Carson Nugget Redevelopment Project will be on hand tonight to answer questions about the project.

Rick Oshinski, CEO of Sacramento-based P3 Development, will appear before the Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee tonight in the Community Center's Sierra Room.

Carson Now plans to show live video of the meeting, as well as hosting a discussion forum.

Many questions are sure to arise, concerning the details on the project and its scope, as well as the developer and how the company was chosen.

As I've been talking to people about this project, I've collected a number of questions, that I put together below.

Carson City Historic Resources Commission accepting applications for open seat

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from persons interested in serving on the Historic Resources Commission, specifically filling the position of Architect, Residential Designer or Design Professional.

The Historic Resources Commission reviews and makes decisions regarding projects in the Carson City Historic District and/or recommendations to the Regional Planning Commission and/or Board of Supervisors regarding matters relating to Carson City historic resources.

Applications sought for three Carson City Planning Commission seats

Residents of Carson City interested in serving between 12 to 16 hours a month on the Carson City Planning Commission are encouraged to apply for three open positions.

The Carson City Board of Supervisors is seeking applications from residents interested in serving on the Commission, which oversees all Carson City planning and zoning matters, land use and growth management. Meetings are the last Wednesday of every month at 5 p.m., at the Community Center in the Sierra Room.

Senator Mark Amodei to Request Consideration for State GOP Chairmanship

Following this Tuesday’s news that he will represent Nevada on the Colorado River Commission, former state Senator Mark Amodei today decided to throw his hat in the ring for Republican state party chairmanship.
Amodei said he called the party’s Vice Chair, Sherry Dilley, to inform her of his intentions this morning, and that he will soon be formally requesting consideration from the GOP’s credentialing committee.

Offsite Data Depot

Offsite Data Depot helps businesses with planning, developing and implementing a complete records management solution to meet their needs. Offsite can handle organizations of all sizes with its suite of records management tools from secure records storage and management to email filtering, secure online backups, document scanning and secure shredding services.


550 Mallory Way
Carson City, NV 89701

Las Vegas Chamber Study Concludes Nevada Students Are Below National Averages on Achievement Tests

CARSON CITY – A study showing how well Nevada’s students perform on achievement tests, released today by the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, concludes they fare no better than mid-range, and often well below, students in other states.

OurTown: Shelly Aldean & TRPA

Shelly Aldean discusses Tahoe Regional Planning Agency issues:


Retired State Archivist Presents 'A New Nevada Needed'

Retired Nevada State Archivist Guy Rocha is passionate about uncovering the truth. He will delight the residents of Sierra Place with his take on Nevada's economy, its growth in such areas as tourism, construction, mining and service industries.
He will lead a healthy debate on the notion we are all at a cross-road requiring leadership and planning. Guy probes, enlightens, possibly provokes, but most assuredly delights us in a lively discussion centered on Nevada. The presentation will be at Sierra Place, 1111 West College Parkway. 6:45 to 7:45 p.m.
Call Fran Ulm at (775) 841-4111.

Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki to discuss economic development at Carson Valley Inn

Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki will address the business community at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31 at Carson Valley Inn, 1627 Highway 50 in Minden.

Carson City school leaders close in on bond vote; property taxes for schools would decrease

Assessing $25 million in immediate needs, $10 million in enhancement and ongoing technology needs to keep school facilities operational for several years to come, Carson City voters could very well see their property taxes paid to schools decrease by 4 cents.

Congress clears historic health care bill: Dean Heller votes no

Congressman Dean Heller, firmly standing with his party and the health insurance industry, rejected a Democratic-led plan to provide affordable health care for Northern Nevadans.

Carson City leaders aim to close $10M budget deficit on Thursday

Carson City Board of Supervisors have a heavy agenda this week as they try to close a $10 million budget deficit.

Nugget Project: Parsing motives

An interesting development in the battle over the Nugget project are the assumptions being made by all sides as to the motives of others.

For instance, many of the opponents or those on the fence assume that Nugget President Steve Neighbors has something up his sleeve. Every time some unanswered question arises, people assume the worst, that this deal is only about enriching the Nugget. Perhaps this comes instinctive to Nevadans, after dealing with our share of casino owners/executives, from Steve Wynn to Bugsy Segal to Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal.

Rangle and Ensign, Royalty in Washington?

Wouldn’t it be nice if all our elected Congressmen and Congresswomen got the kind of harsh treatment that those of us in Carson City get when on of Kenny Furlong’s black shirts pull us over for not

Nevada Higher Education Representatives Assess Cuts

Last week, the Nevada Board of Regents held a meeting in what marks the beginning of nine weeks of discussion on how to further reduce their budgets to adjust for the 6.9 percent cut in funding agreed upon by Nevada Legislators during the special session in February.

Ron Wood Family Center taking over portion of city offices on Northgate

In a move that will save city government $24,000 a year, city Supervisors are expected to let the Ron Wood Family Resource Center (RWFRC) move into the partially vacated city offices at 2621 Northgate

Committee discusses critical issues surrounding Nugget project

Members of the newly formed Carson Nugget Development Advisory Committee received an extensive briefing tonight on where the project is now, and what still needs to be worked out.

Nugget President Steve Neighbors and project consultant Mark Lewis were on hand to answer the committee's questions about the project before a capacity audience in the Sierra Room at the Carson City Community Center.

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