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Movie Review: Lotta iron in 'Real Steel'

The film "Real Steel" now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City is an action film starring Hugh Jackman as a down-and-out boxer past his prime as robots took over the boxing world.

In this case it's an attempt by films to muscle into the video game profits. Not that the movie is bad, that is, if the sight of giant robots flaying away at each other doesn't turn you off. It's actually technology not gone amok but just crass.

Movie Review: 'Ides of March' a fine Clooney-Gosling political film

"The Ides of March," currently showing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City, is a welcome change from the summer fare of bare-chested shoot 'em ups. It's a serious film about American politics with a fine cast headed by Ryan Gosling as Stephen Myers, a sleazy press secretary to George Clooney's Mike Morris, seeking the Democratic nomination for president at a hotly contested Ohio vote.

Clooney is almost just a supporting actor but even in his shorter screen time manages to impress. He also directs, produces and co-writes the script, which is tight and intelligent.

Movie Review: 'Dream House' more of a nightmare in snow

"Dream House," currently showing at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, is a suspense film staring Daniel Craig as editor/writer Will Atenton, Rachel Weisz as his wife Libby, and Naomi Watts as Ann Paterson, a neighbor of the Atentons in their new suburban home.

Movie Review: Brad Pitt may not hit a homer in 'Moneyball,' but at least it is a triple

The baseball-computer film "Moneyball" now playing at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, is the story of how computer analysis came to baseball through the then lowly Oakland A's. Brad Pitt is Billy Beane, general manager of the A's and a one-time hot prospect for baseball fame but who stuck out.

Movie Review: 'Straw Dogs' a tense, violent human drama

"Straw Dogs," a thriller currently playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City and elsewhere, is a remake of the 1971 controversial film of the same name directed by Sam Peckinpah, that opened the Hollywood door on a kind of territorial violence. It was widely condemned as preaching violence and misogyny.

Movie Review: 'Drive' is violent with Gosling as the modern hero

"Drive," a violent crime movie now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City and elsewhere, stars Ryan Gosling, a major Hollywood star as you can tell when his name appears even before the film title, along with 11 producers (some of whom were obviously go-fers) listed before the director Nicolas Winding Refn.

Movie Review: Just abort 'Apollo 18'

The sci-fi horror film "Apollo 18," currently playing at the Casino Fandango multiplex in Carson City and elsewhere, is a strange bird of a movie. The premise is that while NASA claimed to have scrubbed Apollo 18, it was actually rescheduled as a secret mission to plant Soviet ICBM detectors on the Moon. Three astronauts were selected and briefed and launched.

Let's go to the movies: Public health is focus of film 'Contagion'

This column addresses topics related to the health of our community.On Friday, the movie "Contagion" is coming to Galaxy Fandango Theater in Carson City, and public health professionals from the he...

Witchcraft in Our Schools - 5:30PM Meeting Today at CMS

Event Date: 
September 6, 2011 - 5:30pm

The final Harry Potter movie is out this summer. It's a tale of magical kids attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, being empowered, and learning wicked things like Arithmacy, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, and Quiddich. This makes some real-world parents uncomfortable. Children learning things we don't know, things beyond the "straight and narrow", things that empower them, is scary.

Movie Review: 'Colombiana' - vengeance is beautiful

"Colombiana," a thriller currently playing at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City and other local theaters, is a revenge film starring the big blue woman of "Avatar," Zoe Saldana, as Cataleva Restrepo. The excellent Amandia Sternberg plays Restrepo as a young girl --- and if there is anyone going to star in future movies it's this young lady. She's solemn, unfazed and a real actress.

Movie Review: 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark' nothing to be afraid of

The horror film "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark," currently screening at the Fanango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City and elsewhere in the Tahoe area, stars Bailee Madison as Sally Hirst. She's about 10 or 12, is a bit chubby and has a mean way of not listening to her father Alex Hirst (Guy Pearce) or his wife Kimberly (Katie Holmes).

Auditions for murder mystery dinner theater

Proscenium Players in conjunction with the Gold Dust West Hotel and Casino in Carson City are holding open auditions for the murder mystery Dealt A Deadly Hand – Murder at the Carson City Casino Royale. Is nothing sacred? This mystery dinner show spoofs the movie "Casablanca" and the American Dream of winning the jackpot.

Jazz through the week in Carson City

This week's music lineup continues as Jazz! Carson City 2011 has several shows planned in the coming days. Jazz! Carson City is a month-long festival hosted by the Mile High Jazz Band Association, Carson City, local businesses, and jazz lovers.

Movie Review: 'Conan the Barbarian' flashes swords and other ideas

"Conan the Barbarian" is currently wielding swords and other death weapons at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City.

And no, if you thought this was a re-release of the Arnold Schwarzenegger film of the 1980s, it's not. It a new bloody, murderous revival of the franchise but since Arnold isn't up to murder and mayhem these days we have a new Conan, two of them actually, one in his teens and the other the Conan out on a bloody roll.

Movie Review: 'The Help' a fine and striking summer movie

"The Help," currently playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City, is a welcome relief from such summer films as the ugly "Change-Up." No explosions, no car chases, no exploitive scenes for the teens among us. Instead it's a portrait of life in Mississippi in the 1960s and the near-infinite gap between the whites and their black maids and cooks.

Movie Review: 'Cowboys and Aliens' make for strange, entertaining summertime cinema

The sci-fi-western-thriller "Cowboys & Aliens," currently showing at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, finally achieves what most studios have long sought: a film with five writers, muc...

Movie Review: 'The Change-Up' full of nudity, foul language, few redeeming moments

"The Change-Up," an R-rated film now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City and elsewhere, plays concurrently with "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" at the Galaxy.

"Apes" is probably the best summer fare this year. No way "Change-Up" is going to be on anyone's "best" list, unless it's that of the sophomore class at Carson High. But even young teens, at whom this movie is aimed, surely will know better. It's a lousy take on contemporary American men and society. Director Dave Dobkin makes the trains run on time but with such a lousy load of freight.

Movie Review: 'Rise of Planet of the Apes' best film of the summer so far

"The Rise of the Planet of the Apes,' now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City, may well be the best of the summer popcorn fare. It is not an extension of the "Apes" series of the 1970s and '80s but the beginning of a new franchise of films. And its primate hand is there for all of us.

Movie Review: 'Crazy, Stupid, Love' a nice reworking of an old story

"Crazy, Stupid, Love," a romantic comedy currently showing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City, is a romantic comedy built on the well-trod idea of love, fall out of love, fall in love and live happily ever after, a la such as "The Phlaelpia Story" of times gone by. The cast, chiefly Steve "Cyrano-nosed" Carrell, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, is excellent, pros to a turn.

Movie Review: 'Cowboys & Aliens' some fun amid the cliches

The sci-fi-western-thriller "Cowboys & Aliens," currently showing at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex in Carson City, finally achieves what most studios have long sought, a film with five writers, much of whose script is simply explosions.

Movie Review: 'Friends with Benefits' breaks old ground, but Mila Kuinis is hot

At the Carson City Fandango Galaxy cineplex, I was a bit confused watching the new movie. Once I got the idea of the plot --- guy, girl agree to sex with no emotional strings attached, I thought I had been caught in a time warp. I'd seen this movie, only it was titled "No Strings Attached" and starred Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher.

Movie Review: 'Captain America' takes on the bad guys

"Captain America," subtitled "the First Avenger," currently showing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City, is the fourth in the series of related comic book heroes brought to the screen.

And while it does live up to its pulp ancestry with lots of action and fantasy, it reportedly is a 124-minute promotional effort for a film to come, "The Avengers," all four heroes joining to save the world or do other good deeds.

Movie Review: Harry Potter lives one more time at the Galaxy in Carson City

OK, so I missed the first seven Harry Potter films and the J.K Rowling books that served as the basis for the series. Bad planning or no planning. So when the last of the series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," opened at the Fandango Galaxy multiplex with three theaters showing the film simultaneous, in 2-D and 3-D, I figured time to catch up.

Movie Review: 'Horrible Bosses' a look back at the Three Stooges

The aptly if crudely named "Horrible Bosses," now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City, could be taken as an update on the Three Stooges, with Jason Bateman as Nick Hendricks, Charlie Dale as Dale Arbus and Jason Sudekis as Ken Buckman. Stooges fans may resent the comparison but it's pretty accurate, even down to the facial slaps of Curly, Moe and Larry.

Here Nick is bypassed by a conniving boss David Harken (Kevin Spacey) who gives himself the job Nick has been waiting for. Kurt is bypassed as company president.

Movie Review: New 'Transformers' fill offers lots of cyber fighting, occasion sparks of acting

If you really want to see a 3-D movie that exploits the medium, catch 'Transformers: The Dark of the Moon" now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineplex in Carson City. You'll be bombarded by rocks and pieces of giant metal figures flying out at you.

Movie Review: 'Larry Crowne' lacks wit of 'Bad Teacher'

"Larry Crowne," a romantic comedy now playing at the Fandango Galaxy in Carson City, is the second romantic comedy to hit the scene after the delightful "Bad Teacher," was a hit because of Cameron Diaz' loopy, wide grin.

Sadly, "Crowne"with Tom Hanks directing, writing and co-staring with Julia Roberts, can't come up with the wit and charm of "Teacher." Where "Teacher" is profane and clever, "Crowne" plots along predicable lines from the opening when Hanks as Crowne is laid off from a big box store (read Wal-Mart) because he does't have a college degree. Sure.

Movie Review: 'Green Lantern' shines

"Green Lantern," the current DC Comic ripoff now playing at the Fandango Galaxy cineflex in Carson City, is all about a corps of Green Lantern good guys who protected the universe from evildoers such as Parallax, the baddest bad guy around.

Movie starts with Temuera Morrison as Abin Sur getting hit by Parallax while sledding through space and crashing on a rocky beach. With his dying breath he send his powerful Green Lantern out to find someone to replace him in guarding Earth from Parallax.

PPI’s Steel Magnolias Aug 17-26


Witness 'It was like a movie': Man injured after slamming into wall, vehicles, power pole and hydrant

A Carson City man was taken to the Reno trauma center Thursday afternoon after plowing his vehicle into a block wall, two cars, a power pole and a fire hydrant on Carson Street. Josh Harper, 23,...

Movie Review: "The Hangover II" no worse than a bad cold

If you saw "Hangover," the flag-waver for the series, you know what "Hangover Part 2 (or II, it wavers) is all about. You probably know it so well that there's not a lot of attraction to seeing "Part 2.) Same cast, same story (but switched to Bangkok) same gags, same car chases (although a car chase in a Bangkok market with the good guys being chased by two motorcycle killers is a bit different, but not really).

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