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Rory Reid Plan To Balance State Budget Without Raising Taxes Gets Favorable Response For Theory, But Details Lacking

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – A plan released today by Democrat governor candidate Rory Reid on how to balance the Nevada state budget without raising taxes received some praise from a free market think tank even though many questions remain, including whether the proposal includes an overly optimistic prediction of future tax revenue growth.

Nevada Jobless Rate Actually Above 20 Percent Based On U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics Data

By Sean Whaley / Nevada News Bureau
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s worst in the nation 14.3 percent unemployment rate for July does not even begin to tell the real story of the state’s dismal job situation, a state agency reported today.

Carson City makes list of strongest rebound real estate markets

Bloomberg Businessweek has a story out naming Nevada as number 5 of the top 10 housing markets stages for a strong rebound by 2014.

Carson City was named the as the market within Nevada to have the largest projected increase in home prices.

Sen. Reid earmarks $400k for City Center/Nugget Project business incubator

A financial services bill working its way through the U.S. Senate contains a $400,000 earmark that appears to be destined for the business incubator that is part of the planned Carson City Center/Nugget Project.

Back To School Spending Could Be Boon To Nevada Retailers Hit Hard By Recession

CARSON CITY – Nevada families with school-age children will spend $174 million for back-to-school supplies this month if spending trends track with national estimates, the Retail Association of Nevada reported today.

Business growth picks up on South Carson

We had heard rumors of recent activity at the never-opened Sportsman's Warehouse store in the Southgate Center on South Carson Street.

And now, it looks like there will be a new Big Lots store moving in this fall.

While a discount closeout store isn't exactly the kind of high-end (or medium-end) store residents might have been hoping for, it's better than an empty storefront.

Lawmakers Support Expansion of Nevada Legislature As Part Of Redistricting In 2011

CARSON CITY – Several Nevada lawmakers serving on a panel gearing up for the critical task of redrawing the state’s political boundaries in 2011 said today they support expanding the size of the Legislature to provide better representation.

Nevada’s Unemployment Rate Hits Record High In June at 14.2 Percent

By Nevada News Bureau Staff
CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate hit another record high in June, reaching 14.2 percent as 193,000 residents looked for work, a state agency reported today.

Nevada’s Unemployment Rate Hits Another Record High In June Reaching 14.2 Percent

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s unemployment rate hit another record high in June, reaching 14.2 percent as 193,000 residents looked for work, a state agency reported today.
The rate in Las Vegas hit 14.5 percent, up four-tenths of a percentage point from May.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,� he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,� he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Gov. Gibbons Now Evaluating Legislative Requests For Budget Information

CARSON CITY – Gov. Jim Gibbons said his administration is reviewing requests for information from a legislative panel performing a review of base budgets but said the constant calls for more data and staff responses are burdensome and time consuming.
“We’re struggling to meet the needs of the public with a vastly decreased budget,” he said.

Experienced workers displace teen job seekers

Many teens looking for a jobs face the added challenge of finding work in during a recession.

Teen jobs have gone down since the mid 2000s, because more people — including out of work adults — are competing for the same jobs that traditionally went to teenagers.

Older workers are now commonly found working as grocery store baggers, fast food workers, amusement park staff, etc. Now that school is out more teens are looking for summer jobs.

Krolicki: New Nevada Task Force takes aim at job growth, business diversity

In a move to strengthen Nevada's ailing economy, Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki announced the formation of the New Nevada Task Force, a coalition of Nevada business leaders tasked to identifying ways to improve the state's economic climate ahead of the 2011 legislative session.

Nevada's Borrowing To Pay Jobless Benefits On Target Despite Record Unemployment

CARSON CITY – Despite Nevada’s record high unemployment rate, the amount of money the state expects to borrow from the federal government to pay jobless benefits remains on target, a state official said this week.

Nevada Jobless Rate Leads Nation And Hits All Time State High In May

CARSON CITY – Nevada’s nation-leading 14 percent May unemployment rate announced today shows job losses are beginning to affect local governments after months of avoiding layoffs during a more than two-year long economic slowdown.

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