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Fitness on The Wire: Building Strength for Those Arm Muscles

The new fitness student often finds it difficult to complete a pull-up or push-up and may strain for even an inch of lift. There are good reasons why these moves are hard to accomplish.

Fitness on a Wire: Reasons to start getting healthy

Have you given any thought to building your body up and increasing your overall health? Would you like a few reasons why you should?

Let's start with a tremendous gain in cardiovascular endurance. When you chase your kids you’ll be able to catch them. Endurance means your heart rate will drop and your heart will beat less to supply your body with the needed oxygen. The proper terminology is "greater stroke volume". You will achieve better circulation, and during cold winter months your body will benefit greatly from that increase.

Heavenly Ski and Snowboard Foundation Announces Freeride Ski Team

By Aimi Xistra-Rich
The Heavenly Ski and Snowboard Foundation has announced two new programs for the 2011 – 2012 winter season under the Freestyle umbrella. The Foundation will offer two Freeride program options, the One-Day Program and the Full-Time Competitive Program. These programs are open to intermediate to advanced level skiers aged ten to 18 who have a passion for slopestyle, skiercross and halfpipe training.

Fitness on the Wire: Water Fun with Wet Sweat

Are you a little tired of the same fitness routine? Are you hot and sweaty? Try a change of pace from your regular workout style and move your fitness into the swimming pool. Water is a wonderful medium for those of you who enjoy summer exercise.

Carson City’s Aquatic Facility holds Wet Sweat Water Aerobics classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:00pm, with Monday and Thursday evenings held in the shallow end of the pool with less water resistance and less water weight to lift.

Fitness on the Wire: Weight Bearing and Impact

There are two exercise terms; weight bearing and impact that can be confusing to the new exercise student.

Fitness on The Wire with Jerry Vance: Understanding Muscles

This week the focus is on the muscles in your body, what they do and how to strengthen them for better workouts.

• Muscles that are used often will react safely to extended use, but those of you who are new at fitness may find a different reaction to muscle usage. The tired, sore muscles that you feel after your first try at fitness can cancel all your desire to be fit. How do you plan a workout without at least one sore spot? Well-you can't.

Jerry Vance - Fitness on The Wire

Physical Fitness - Quality of Life

Being physically fit gives you the ability to enjoy life. It's called "quality of life".

With so many new types of exercise available maybe it’s time to define quality of life and how you achieve it. When you work on physical fitness, you enhance the physiological capacity of your body. You increase the ability to stay with a task longer and increase the range and weight of the task. Your heart will beat slower with more blood behind each beat, and generate more oxygen to your muscles. Who cares? You should!

Sandoval Releases Education Plan, Calls For End To Tenure And Social Promotion

CARSON CITY – Republican governor candidate Brian Sandoval yesterday released his education plan, calling it a results oriented proposal that would end teacher tenure and the social promotion of students.

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