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Bill suspending prevailing wage passes Assembly

The Nevada Assembly has passed a bill loathed by Democrats because it would suspend prevailing wage rules on school construction projects. The Assembly approved ......

Three Democrats who opposed automatic school bond rollover in committee voted for it on floor

Rookie Democratic Assemblywoman Amber Joiner was so thrilled to be at the bill signing ceremony for the school construction bill that she took a selfie....

Why Reid wants Congress to delay Iran legislation

Key Senate Democrats led by Minority Leader Harry Reid announced their opposition to fast action on a bill giving Congress final say on any nuclear deal with ......

Nevada Republicans applaud Netanyahu speech; Dems frustrated

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech urging Congress to take a firmer hand on Iran than what is being pursued by President Barack Obama was applauded by Nevada Republicans but was greeted with frustration by Democrats....

Democrats scramble to stop fallout from Clinton email revelation

Democrats scrambled on Tuesday to contain the fallout from revelations that their favored 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, may have violated the spirit of federal records laws by using her personal email for work while secretary of state....

GOP to attack Democrats on national security in 2016 election

If this week was any indication, Republicans could spend much of the 2016 presidential election attacking Democrats as weak on national security, rather than focusing on the economic concerns that have preoccupied voters in recent years....

School bond, prevailing wage bill faces bumpy Assembly ride

A bill that promises more money for a backlog of school construction projects but would suspend wage rules favored by Democrats faced even more opposition in the Nevada Assembly than it did when it passed quickly thro...

School bond, prevailing wage bill faces bumpy Assembly ride

Nevada Assembly members are vetting a bill that promises more money for school construction but would suspend wage rules favored by Democrats. SB119 passed quickly through the Republican-controlled Senate on party lines. It was picked apart ......

Data you can use on 2012 and 2014

The good folks at DailyKos have provided me with their maps and data on a comprehensive study of Nevada legislative districts and the difference in performance the last two cycles. Spoiler alert: The Democrats tanked in 2014.
Check it out.
Senate 2014:...

With GOP in control, immigration measures getting traction in Nevada Legislature

Illegal immigration bills that were considered dead on arrival when Democrats controlled the Nevada Legislature are now getting life, a result of the Republican ......

Bill to restructure public employee retirement board dies

CARSON CITY — A bill to change the makeup of Nevada’s public employee retirement board has died in an Assembly committee after meeting stiff opposition in a hearing last week from Democrats and union representatives. ...

Nevada Democrats planning pay equity bill

CARSON CITY — Legislative Democratic leaders Monday announced plans to introduce a bill requiring equal pay for equal work in Nevada....

Democrats look to rebuilding Latino base after 2014 drubbing

Latino voter turnout fell in 2014 below both 2012 and 2010, accounting in part for the drop in Democratic votes and the rising Republican wave that gave the GOP control of the U.S. Senate and both houses of the Nevada Legislature....

Senate passes construction defect bill, sends it to governor

A bill aimed at curbing frivolous lawsuits over construction defects has passed the Senate and will be the first major bill of the session to go to the governor. The Senate passed AB125 on Friday in an 11-8 party-line vote. Democrats opposed the ......

Update on two key bills: Bond rollover/prevailing wage and voter ID

Here's what's happening on two GOP bills driving Democrats batty:
►SB 119: The bill to allow school bonds to automatically roll over and remove prevailing wage requirements from school construction is in limbo in the Assembly after passing the Senate on

Some Dems skipping but Titus, Reid to attend Netanyahu speech

Almost two dozen Democrats are planning to skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress next month. But Rep. Dina Titus said she plans to be there....

State leaders call for Oregon Gov. Kitzhaber to resign

Top Oregon Democrats and the state treasurer on Thursday called on Governor John Kitzhaber to resign in response to conflict-of-interest allegations involving his fiancee, and Oregon’s secretary of state said she is ready to step into the job....

Nevada Senate sustains five Sandoval vetoes

The Nevada Senate on Tuesday put to rest the remaining five bills vetoed by Gov. Brian Sandoval after lawmakers went home in 2013.But there was some pushback from Democrats on two of the measures — particularly Senate...

DNC official meets with Nevada Democrats over voter ID law

The head of the Democratic National Committee met Friday with Nevada activists to discuss strategies to defeat a proposed voter ID law that could hurt the party’s turnout here in the 2016 presidential election....

GOP effort to curb prevailing wage riles Democrats, labor reps

Lawmakers have fired the first salvo in the legislative battle among political parties, organized labor and conservatives groups. A bill would prohibit the state from paying prevailing wages on ......

Gloves come off: Nevada GOP’s move on redistricting draws howls from Dems

It didn't take long for partisan politics to overshadow the prayers, songs and stilted harmony of the Legislature’s opening day. Democrats contend that ......

GOP’s Dean Heller joins Democrats on Senate immigration vote

Republican Sen. Dean Heller helped Democrats block a bill today that would have funded the Department of Homeland Security while rolling back President Barack Obama’s ......

Shift to GOP control in Carson City could boost voter ID law

The last couple of times Barbara Cegavske backed bills in the Nevada Legislature to require voters to show photo identification to cast ballots, the proposed legislation didn’t make it out of committee.
Democrats blocked voter ID legislation in 2007 and in 2009, when Cegavske supported such bills, and beyond.

Senate Democrats hire director of communications

Senate Democrats have hired their first-ever communications director for the upcoming legislative session. Minority Leader Aaron Ford of Las Vegas said Peter Koltak will help the caucus “reinforce our message that middle class ...

Are Redistribution and Big Government Working for You?

Democrats, modern liberals and progressives often say they’re concerned about income inequality. So, they propose more redistribution: higher taxes on the well-off and higher public subsidies for others.

Adding subsidy increases to their ever-growing regulatory system and other public spending drove total government spending relative to our economy to record post-WWII levels under President Obama. Yet they still want more.

The Sober Truth about Barack Obama's Economy

Event Date: 
December 10, 2014 (All day)

The off tilt haters of Mr. Barack Obama just cannot do enough to try and tear the man down. The GOP Barn is empty for the presidency in 2016-and wise Democrats are all rooting for Romney Trump Kamikaze ticket. The economy is doing well, gasoline prices are way down, and he handled the Ebola "crisis" perfectly. That left wing liberal fishwrap called Forbes recently analyzed the Obama economy versus Mr. Reagan's economy-and Mr. Obama's has outperformed Mr. Reagan's of 30 years ago...
A sober assessment of Barack Obama 's job with the economy:

The 2014 Democrat Crack-Up

The trouncing Democrats took in November’s elections has opened fissures between their liberal wing, represented by New York Senator Charles Schumer, and their progressive wing, led by President Barack Obama.

Standing uneasily with a foot in each camp is Hillary Clinton. The tiff concerns Obamacare, and 20 years ago, she authored its forerunner, Hillarycare. Having lost both houses of Congress, the party of government (and Hillary) in 2016 may also lose the Presidency if it lacks a compelling message.

Romney at Politics 33 1/3

The delightfully great and fresh gossip from a New York Fundraiser that Mitt Romney may yet try again to be our lected president delights every Democrat with their thinking cap on. Mr. Romney ran a weak kneed campaign a couple years ago-but at least he picked a better running mate than Senator McCain-(remember Sarah Palin-the glib attractive charmer who could not answer that very tough question: "what do you like to read?"

Is Nevada missing the boat?

The last couple of weeks have been quite busy news wise with all the repercussions from Pres. Obama's legal actions regarding immigration. We've all heard people echo their sentiments on both sides of this issue. My question is, why is Nevada not joining the Texas led effort to file suit on the Obama administration along with so many other states? Nevada's silence in this arena is disgusting. President Obama with the stroke of his pen has successfully done what many other anti-American, anti-capitalist and race baiters alike have failed to do since reconstruction.


Event Date: 
November 27, 2014 (All day)

Specially dedicated to all
National Socialist Democrats
throughout America and Mexico.

A Thanksgiving Poem

Another Thanksgiving
The Turkey and Ham,
Obama and Biden
Their Commucrat plan.
But let us be thankful,
For one thing we know.
For the homeless and starving
Only two years to go!

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