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English photographic artist Alice Cazenave offers Cyanotype workshop Nov. 5 in Silver City

Alice Cazenave's image shows a cyanotype print
Event Date: 
November 5, 2022 - 1:30pm

Alice Cazenave, a London-based photographic artist, will offer a cyanotype workshop for adults on Saturday Nov. 5, 1:30 p.m. at the Silver City Schoolhouse at 385 High Street, Silver City, Nev.

Free Introduction to Making Art with Cyanotype this Sunday in Silver City

Megan Berner offers a free cyanotype workshop this Sunday.
Event Date: 
May 6, 2018 - 2:30pm

SILVER CITY — Megan Berner, the current Resident Artist in Silver City, will offer adults and teens a free "Introduction to Cyanotype” workshop during a meet and greet and free workshop on the cyanotype process on Sunday May 6, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Silver City School House (community center) at 385 High Street.

I Love Carson City’s Weekend Event Summary: May 5 - 6

Event Date: 
May 5, 2018 (All day)
May 6, 2018 (All day)

Not a cloud in the sky, and yet we have been hit by a perfect storm: Cinco de Mayo, Kentucky Derby Day, and the monthly wine walk have all collided. Let me tell you, downtown is going to be hopping, not to mention the Early Season Farmers Market making its seasonal debut in the parking lot at W. Musser and N. Nevada – just behind Due Sorella. Take the kids down to Bailys Pond at Fuji Park for the annual Tom Brooks Memorial Kids’ Fishing Day. A trip to the train museum comes with the opportunity to ride on the Historic McKeen Motor Car.

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