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cooperative extension

JoAnne Skelly: Thank goodness for chocolate

I'm a choc-o- holic. I love dark chocolate and think it should be considered one of the main food groups.

I saw an article on how chocolate is grown (and gets to my mouth) on CropLife.org.

Cooperative Extension hosts free landscape training in Spanish, English

: Cooperative Extension offers “Pruning techniques” April 4
Event Date: 
Repeats every week until Wed Apr 25 2018 .
April 4, 2018 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 11, 2018 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 18, 2018 (All day)
Event Date: 
April 25, 2018 (All day)

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is offering free landscaping training taught in both Spanish and English. The workshops are designed to enhance employability skills and increase job retention.

Capital City Farm Days at Fuji Park aims to teach youth about Nevada agriculture

Event Date: 
April 19, 2018 (All day)

Nevada's rural roots will be on display for school children to see next month in Carson City with the annual Capital City Farm Days, hosted by University of Nevada Cooperative Extension 4-H.

JoAnne Skelly: Lucky Shamrocks

St. Patrick’s Day is here. The four-leaf clover is a well-known symbol of luck for the Irish and Irish fans everywhere.

While the three-leaf shamrock was a sacred plant to the Druids, Saint Patrick taught that it represented the Holy Trinity.

Fascinated by Nevada’s crazy weather? Help meteorologists predict it

March Madness might just as well describe Nevada’s extremely variable weather this month. That’s why a nonprofit organization finds this an ideal time to recruit local citizens to collect weather data to help meteorologists better predict Nevada’s confusing weather.

Early childhood obesity prevention website launched by Nevada Cooperative Extension

The percentage of obese children in Nevada is rising, and nearly one-third of children entering kindergarten are considered overweight or obese. To help teachers and parents teach healthy habits to children before age 5, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension recently launched the Healthy Kids Resource Center website.

JoAnne Skelly: Outsmarting tree squirrels, or not

We have been waging a battle with gray tree squirrels getting into our bird feeder.

First it was bears, now it’s squirrels!

Nevada Youth Range Camp accepting applications

Students attending the 2017 Nevada Youth Range Camp observe part of the camp
Event Date: 
June 17, 2018 (All day)

CARSON CITY — University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and the Nevada Section of the Society for Range Management are now accepting applications for the Nevada Youth Range Camp to be held June 17-23 in central Nevada’s Desatoya Mountains. Applications must be submitted by April 27.

JoAnne Skelly: Daffodils and freezing

We are back to winter with temperatures well below freezing at night. I have seen
daffodils in bloom already and people are asking, “Will my flowers freeze?”

The answer is, “It depends.”

JoAnne Skelly: Weather and Climate in Nevada

Gardeners pay attention to weather, and hopefully are also aware of Nevada’s climate.

What’s the difference?

Spring break babysitting class offered at Carson City Cooperative Extension

Event Date: 
Repeats every week until Fri Mar 30 2018 .
March 26, 2018 (All day)

The Carson City, Storey County 4-H Program will offer a babysitting certification class March 26-30, 2018. These dates correspond with Carson City school district’s spring break and will give local participants the opportunity to be prepared sitters for the coming summer months.

Community wildfire protection to highlight statewide conference in Reno

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension will hold the fourth annual Nevada Network of Fire Adapted Communities Conference next month in Reno.

JoAnne Skelly: Soil is key to garden success

Often, gardeners focus on the plants in their landscape. However, successful plants rely on healthy soils to support them.

In Northern Nevada, soils are extremely variable and can provide challenges for the gardener. Before any planting comes soil preparation.

Gardening in Nevada class discusses controlling nuisance weeds

Cooperative Extension offers “Identifying and controlling nuisance weeds”
Event Date: 
February 20, 2018 (All day)

CARSON CITY — University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and their Certified Master Gardeners offer free gardening classes in February and March. “Gardening in Nevada: The Bartley Ranch Series” is for anyone who wants to garden – those with big yards, small yards, or just patio or balcony space.

JoAnne Skelly: False Spring means watering

What gorgeous weather we are having with beautiful sunny, warm days. Buds on trees are swelling, daffodils and other bulbs are poking up their heads. I suspect if this weather continues, soon even the grass could be greening.

JoAnne Skelly: The Three Redwoods

My friend Will asked me if I knew that the dawn redwood grew in Reno. I thought there was one at the University, but he had seen one at someone’s home. Since I couldn’t remember the scientific name, I looked it up: Metasequoia glyptostroboides.

Cooperative Extension offers program on combating Nevada’s bedbug problems

Free educational program on detecting, preventing & controlling bedbugs offered
Event Date: 
Repeats every week until Wed Feb 21 2018 .
February 21, 2018 (All day)

CARSON CITY — As the number of families in Nevada being affected by bedbugs continues to increase, eight University of Nevada Cooperative Extension offices across the state will offer a free program Feb. 21 aimed at providing the most recent research-based information on prevention, detection and control measures.

Carson City/Storey County 4-H Fabric Sale and Donation Days this weekend

Event Date: 
February 3, 2018 (All day)

The popular 4-H Fabric and Rummage sale returns to Carson City’s Fuji Park Exhibit Hall at 701 Old Clear Creek Road this weekend, Feb. 3-4.

On Saturday, Feb. 3, the sale is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday, Feb. 4 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Visit the sale days for great bargains; most fabric starts at a dollar per yard. Residents still have opportunities to donate unwanted, clean rummage items and fabric to 4-H.

JoAnne Skelly: Effectiveness of Foliar Feeding

Last week Cory, from The Greenhouse Project, and I were discussing if foliar fertilization of plants was effective. He regularly sprays compost tea and other organic fertilizers on the vegetables in the greenhouse.

Carson Valley student places first in National Radon Poster Contest

Event Date: 
January 26, 2018 (All day)

Carson Valley Middle School eighth-grader Jacob Pipho, from Carson City, placed first in the National Radon Poster Contest, after taking home first place in the Nevada Radon Poster Contest. He competed against student winners from several other states and will receive $1,000 for his poster, “The Element of Surprise.”

Carson City/Storey County 4-H Fabric Sale and Donation Days Set

Event Date: 
February 3, 2018 (All day)

The popular 4-H Fabric and Rummage sale returns to Carson City’s Fuji Park Exhibit Hall at 701 Old Clear Creek Road Feb. 3-4.

JoAnne Skelly: Witch Hazel blooms in winter

The days have been sunny and have me thinking of spring and flowers. In some areas the daffodils are poking up already. I miss color at this time of year. Wouldn’t it be nice to have flowers outside in December? A friend Paul mentioned that witch hazel (Hamamelis) blooms in winter, an unusual feature for a plant, especially in Nevada.

Classes offered for landscapers and nursery workers

Event Date: 
February 1, 2018 - 9:00am

CARSON CITY — University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, in collaboration with the Nevada Department of Agriculture, will offer a series of eight classes for those in the green industry beginning Feb. 1. The program benefits people wanting to enter the industry, beginners in the industry and established industry professionals.

Column: Moveable garden works with, not against nature

I was recently reading a magazine called “Garden Design” that featured award-winning eco-friendly gardens. In it was a story by Louisa Jones about ecologist and landscape architect, Gilles Clément. He is renowned for his concept of the “Moving Garden.” It is a concept of biological gardening, the idea of working with, not against nature.

JoAnne Skelly: Nuts, grow pistachios?

I love pistachios, so when I found out how nutritious they are, I was delighted.

Pistachios contain fiber, essential vitamins and minerals like B6, thiamin, copper, phosphorus and potassium. In fact, two ounces of pistachio kernels have more potassium than a large banana.

Presentations teach radon safety, offer free radon test kits

January is National Radon Action Month, and the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension’s (UNCE) Radon Education Program is offering free short-term radon test kits to Nevadans from Jan. 1 through Feb. 28.

JoAnne Skelly: Planting for windy sites

You may be one of the lucky ones in Northern Nevada with a yard or garden protected from the wind, but most gardeners battle regularly with gusts and gales.

JoAnne Skelly: Horticulture is Science and Art

While I don’t work with test tubes or petri dishes, nor do I paint or sculpt, as a horticulturist, I am a scientist and an artist. I am not only a horticulturist, but also a practicing active gardener. If you are also a gardener, you too are a scientist and artist because horticulture is a science and an art.

JoAnne Skelly: The Winter Landscape

Much of my gardening life for most of the year is about doing: fertilizing, mowing, watering, raking, digging, transplanting and pruning. Now, with winter upon us, I have more of a chance to reflect on how the landscape actually looks as I sit in a sunny window watching the birds, the sun rise or set, the deer wandering through, or the weather blowing clouds around.

El Niño and La Niña: What’s the difference? Nevada’s weather, climate highlighted in publication

As winter approaches, many are wondering if Nevada is going to have another wet winter and may be hearing terms such as “El Niño” and “La Niña.” But, what are they, and how exactly do they impact Nevada winters and the moisture we will receive?

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