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bed bugs

Several Carson City motel guests file complaint with City Code Enforcement

Silver Queen Inn guests in Carson City say they will fight eviction notices they received last week. They say it's unfair and that the motel lacks acceptable living conditions, ranging from lack of hot water to bed bugs.

What Works: The most important gift on your list is the one to yourself

There are 19 days until Christmas. The holiday season is in full swing. Trees are going up. Houses are getting decorated. Shopping happens between kids’ activities and holiday family fun. Making sure all the presents are well hidden is a feat within itself! Yet there is one gift that sometimes gets forgotten. That gift is the gift you give to yourself.

June is Fire Season

by Scott Schrantz Source: http://aroundcarson.com/2010/06/29/june_is_fire_season Turns out the last week in June is a bad week for fires in the Western Nevada area. Kurt Hildebrand at the Record Courier brings this up while looking at three devastating fires that happened over the decades.

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