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Developers pitch arena plans to Nevada lawmakers

(AP) - Developers are making a last-minute pitch to lawmakers for authority to create elaborate arena and event complexes they say will transform Nevada city centers.Senate Revenue and Assembly Tax...

Sandoval vetoes four bills

Gov. Brian Sandoval Thursday vetoed four bills primarily because of philosophical rather than fiscal objections.He objected to the limits Assembly Bill 135 put on a judge's discretion in probation ...

Governor signs performance based budget bill

Gov. Brian Sandoval Thursday signed Assembly Bill 248, which puts into statute the performance-based budget system submitted by the Sandoval administration at the start of the 2011 Legislature.The ...

Two Major Campaign Finance Reform Bills On Way To Governor

CARSON CITY – Two major bills seeking reforms to and transparency in Nevada’s campaign finance laws have seen final approval in the Legislature and are now on their way to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.
Assembly Bills 82 and 452 are two of three campaign finance reform measures sought by Secretary of State Ross Miller in the 2011 session.

Bill to withdraw from TRPA final hearing is today

Both proponents and opponents of a bill that could pull Nevada out of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency compact got a talking to from the head of the Assembly Government Affairs Committee Wednesda...

Budget Deal Announced Today Includes New Taxes, Major Reforms

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval and legislative leaders from both parties announced a budget agreement today that will see tax increases and restorations of funding to public and higher education in exchange for significant policy reforms in education and collective bargaining.
The agreement came on the 115th day of the session, and virtually guarantees that lawmakers will adjourn the 2011 session by Monday as the constitution requires.

Bill Requiring Posting Of State Financial Information On Controller’s Website Signed Into Law

CARSON CITY – A bill requiring more of the state’s financial data to be posted online at the Controller’s office website has been signed into law by Gov. Brian Sandoval.

Performance-Based Budgeting Bill Signed Into Law By Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill implementing “performance-based” budgeting, including requirements for agencies to set benchmarks and goals and be held accountable for their spending priorities using quantifiable measurements, has been signed into law by Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Assembly Bill 248, sponsored by Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, and Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, passed both houses of the Legislature in unanimous votes. It was signed into law on Sunday.

Health Insurance Transparency Bill Sees Final Legislative Approval, Heads To Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill imposing more transparency on rate increases sought by health insurance companies is now on its way to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his review.
Assembly Bill 309, sought by Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, requires health insurance companies to publicize their rate increase requests online and allows the public to participate in rate hearings before the Nevada Division of Insurance.

Bill to ban cell phone, text use while driving OK'd by Assembly

Lawmakers on Monday moved to make Nevada the latest among a number of states to ban talking or texting on a cell phone while driving. Senate Bill 140 cleared the Assembly and now moves to the Senate for a final vote. Click here and here for the story.

Major Campaign Finance Reform Bills Pass Senate, Move Closer To Final Approval

CARSON CITY – Two major bills seeking reforms to and transparency in Nevada’s campaign finance laws won approval in the Senate today and now must await review in the Assembly before they can go to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his consideration.

Assembly passes wedding, anti-graffiti bills

(AP) - State lawmakers threw the book at taggers, defended puppies and kittens less than 8 weeks old, and approved more after-hours weddings during a rare Sunday session.Legislators staged a flurry...

Budget negotiations continue through Sunday

Closed door talks to balance the budget continued through Sunday without a resolution."No white smoke tonight," said Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, "We'll meet again in the morning...

Compromise on budget still sought

Lawmakers and the governor's office met into the night Saturday to find compromise on a plan to resolve the state's budget crisis.Both the Senate and Assembly were scheduled to return to work today...

Assembly committee will vote on bill

The bill amending Nevada's smoking restriction law to allow food service in bars and taverns where minors are prohibited will get a vote in the Assembly Ways and Means Committee.Sean Higgins, repre...

‘Campus Carry’ Bill Wins Approval In Senate, Heads To Assembly

CARSON CITY – A bill allowing Nevadans to carry concealed weapons on college campuses passed the Senate today and now heads to the Assembly for consideration as the legislative session draws to a close.
Senate Bill 231, sponsored by Sen. John Lee, D-North Las Vegas, passed 15-6.

Gov. Sandoval Taking Two Pronged Approach To Addressing Potential $656 Million Budget Shortfall

CARSON CITY – The Sandoval administration is pursuing two paths in an effort to resolve a potentially massive budget shortfall, seeking clarification from the Nevada Supreme Court on the case that created the issue and working with lawmakers on potential additional revenues should they be necessary.
Dale Erquiaga, senior adviser to Gov. Brian Sandoval, briefed a number of interested parties on the developments since the state’s high court dropped the potential budget bombshell on the Legislature yesterday.

Commentary by Ray Bacon: Refocus schools on students

We are just days from the end of the regular 2011 Nevada Legislative session, but we still have opportunities to improve our K-12 schools in spite of the dire economic conditions. Our Assembly pass...

Bills Sought By GOP Senators ‘Returned’ To Assembly As Tax Discussions Continue

CARSON CITY – Republican state senators who are refusing to go along with a call by Democrats to increase funding for the state budget say bills they have sponsored are being held hostage as a result.
Sen. Barbara Cegavske, R-Las Vegas, said Assembly Democrats, who have a 26-16 majority, “called back” seven Senate bills that had already been voted on and sent to the Senate for final action.

Beneath Partisan Politics, Personal Relationships Hold Sway At Legislature

CARSON CITY – On Assemblyman Harvey Munford’s desk lies his teacher’s edition of an American government textbook.
The former high school history and government teacher said he brought it as a guidebook to the legislative process. But he has not used it much.
“It wasn’t applicable to a whole lot of things,” he said.
Munford, a Democrat from Las Vegas, describes himself as “disillusioned” with the Legislature.

Gov. Sandoval meets with GOP lawmakers

(AP) - Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval huddled with Republican lawmakers Tuesday and reiterated his opposition to extending temporary taxes as part of any budget deal with Democrats.Assembly Republic...

Gov. Sandoval Meets With Republican Lawmakers, Still Opposes Extending Sun-setting Taxes

CARSON CITY – Gov. Brian Sandoval emerged from a meeting with Republican lawmakers today saying he is not willing to consider extending taxes set to sunset June 30 to provide more money for the two-year state budget.
Asked if there was a budget deal, Sandoval replied: “Not that I’m aware of.”

Performance-Based Budgeting Bill Wins Approval In Legislature, Heads To Governor

CARSON CITY – A bill implementing “performance-based” budgeting, including requirements for agencies to set benchmarks and goals and be held accountable for their spending priorities using quantifiable measurements, passed the Senate today and now heads to Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Assembly Bill 248, sponsored by Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, D-Sparks, and Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, D-Las Vegas, already passed the Assembly.

Budget Office Says Legislative Budget Comes In Almost $1 Billion Over Governor’s Budget

CARSON CITY — Legislative Democrats intend to spend almost $1 billion more than Gov. Brian Sandoval requested in his $6.3 billion budget, according to a spreadsheet obtained from Gov. Brian Sandoval’s budget office today.
The majority of the $968 million in spending replaces budget cuts in K-12 education, higher education and social services, which Democrats have long argued will eviscerate the state’s social safety net and destroy the state’s education system.

Committee again votes to take Indigent Accident Fund money from counties

Despite admitting it puts counties and hospitals at risk financially, the Assembly Ways and Means Committee voted Friday to again take the Indigent Accident Fund money to help balance the budget.Th...

Committee approves DNA testing for everyone arrested

The Assembly Ways and Means Committee Friday recommended passage of a bill that would require every person arrested - from misdemeanors to felonies - to submit to DNA testing.Assembly Bill 552 b...

Politicking Legislators Threatened To Delay, Kill Bills On Deadline Day

CARSON CITY – In the end, it was Sen. Joe Hardy who saved the day. He also saved one of his pet bills in the process.
The Republican doctor from Boulder City patched up a broken legislative process that threatened to kill bills after ideological disagreements between two Democratic committee leaders had resulted in an impasse.
Today is a deadline day for bills to pass, so if the two Democrats did not reach an agreement, the bills would die.

After Partisan Sniping, Republicans Release Redistricting Data

CARSON CITY — Republicans today announced they have released to the public a set of complicated data about their redistricting proposal.
Democrats had said earlier the release of the data is a requirement before the two parties can begin to work toward a compromise.
The release of the data brightens an otherwise gloomy portrait of partisanship. Republicans and Democrats have so far elected not to negotiate terms in the redistricting battle.

Final state budgets closed by money committees

The Assembly Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees completed the job of closing all state budgets Thursday.One of their final acts was to reach agreement on the budgets where the two committ...

Assembly OKs stripped-down online poker bill

The state Assembly on Thursday passed a stripped-down Internet gambling bill calling for the state to develop a licensing process for online poker businesses, a month after the U.S. industry melted...

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