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Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Dave Morgan

Again, compelling statements. It is true, anyone can point to any number of reasons why we should keep building libraries.

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Nevada Man

Whatever sets a railroad tie on fire shouldn’t have a problem doing the same to a book.

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Dave Morgan

Well presented. Compelling. I do understand a call for a book repository. Not only for books but for anything recorded in any medium.

Comment on Four year old boy rushed to CTRMC from Hot Springs Road apartment dies by rrshauno89

this is very sad my heart go to the mother and grandmother

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Aaron Highe

As we race headlong into a new and glorius future, pause a minute before you toss that copy of The Sun Also Rises onto the trash heap of technology along with buggy whips and johnson rods.

Comment on Four year old boy taken from Hot Springs apartment unconscious is still with us… by me

Tragiclly he has passed away!!!! He will be missed. Keep his family in your prayers

Comment on So Gibbons wants to lay off state workers? Well, it may get dicey… by dhataway

All points with the exception of Reid’s money are well taken, but as brutal and painful as it may sound salaries and fringe benefits make up a large percent of state budgets be they state agencies,

Comment on Editorial: Why spend $50 million on the “last library?” by Nevada Man

Exactly what I was thinking since last Monday, when the Los Angeles Times reported that last Christmas – for the first time ever – Amazon sold more books in downloadable electronic form than as tr

Comment on So Gibbons wants to lay off state workers? Well, it may get dicey… by dhataway

If there are no ability to adjust revenue, then layoffs, furloughs, salary reductions or some combination thereof will have to be in the mix to address the state budget shortfall.

Comment on So Gibbons wants to lay off state workers? Well, it may get dicey… by luvsnv

State workers are not just numbers to be “adjusted.” They have families to feed, mortgages to pay, etc. just like the private sector.

Comment on Deputies save four year old boy unconscious and no breathing by Dave Morgan

Were told at the scene that the child appeared latino. Thanks for the clarification.

Comment on Deputies save four year old boy unconscious and no breathing by beckymcgee

Not that it makes any difference but this little boy is not latino. I am not sure why that was even said anyways as it should not matter.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by Dave Morgan

Another thing. It is redevelopment guru’s like Mark Lewis who create a contagion that “patience is longer a virtue.” Why wait for sluggish evolution to produce what we want? We want it NOW!

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by Dave Morgan

Right you are. You provoked a thought in me earlier today after I read your last contribution.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by dhataway

When I stated “it is possibly not a deal breaker” I meant that even if the incubator was excluded from the final project, the project may still be viable for the reasons stated.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by Dave Morgan

The citizens committee’s “reason for being” as outlined in a recent Board of Supervisors agenda packet indicates that the committee is to assist the forward momentum of the project.

Comment on Four year old boy found unconscious in Hot Springs apartment. Revived by Sheriff’s Deputies. Rushed to CTRMC. by Pedey

Oh, that poor little boy. I hope he recovers. I look forward to your update, Dave. I pray that it truly was a medical problem & not something caused at the hands of another.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by dhataway

The incubator could be an issue for the reasons stated, however, it is possibly not a deal breaker.

Comment on Project manager of financially troubled Reno Aces Ballpark project now helping to guide Carson City-Nugget project by dhataway

I am somewhat troubled by the tenor of this article. Elected officials are always looking for a scapegoat. It seems the comments by Councilwoman Zadra is the ultimate in 20-20 hindsight.

Comment on Notice to NewsCarsonCity.com viewers by Dave Morgan

We’ve just about got it worked out.

Comment on Notice to NewsCarsonCity.com viewers by Nevada Man

If there’s any way I can help, let me now. I’m serious.

Comment on Notice to NewsCarsonCity.com viewers by Dave Morgan

We are definitely working on it. Equipment and some personnel issues. We’ll work it out quick.
Thanks for your patience. It was not Mayor Crowell. It was us.

Comment on Roop is thrown for a loop, use Stewart! by graghost

The city supervisors should step back and take another look at this Nugget project after this latest about Mr. lewis.

Comment on Notice to NewsCarsonCity.com viewers by Nevada Man

Is that for good or can it be rescheduled? I hope it can.

Comment on Another month, another sales tax crash by dhataway

Although this is what he gets paid for, I really feel for the city manager. It is easy to manage in good times and very difficult in bad times.

Comment on Governor Gibbons to help us all master the obvious… by Dave Morgan

Points well taken. Again, Nevada’s taxing authority as it exists today in no way matches today’s fiscal challenges to keep the state whole.

Comment on Governor Gibbons to help us all master the obvious… by dhataway

The special sessions I have observed since the 80’s have basically been fairly routine.

Comment on State Budget: Irresistible Recession against Immovable Human Needs by dhataway

I agree with your points but the Lobbyists do not get the big bucks for nothing.

Comment on Roop is thrown for a loop, use Stewart! by fairydreamer

In my opinion Stewart Street is a disaster. Someone is going to get seriously injured or killed in the new section of Stewart Street. I avoid that street all together.

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